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Marilynn's Flame

Hi there. I am a special education teacher. I will be using this site to review educational literature, books, methods and any other ideas I come across. I will probably add some faith stuff and poetry as time goes by. I am experimenting with this site, it will probably change as my tastes change. So far, I am still learning what looks I like and how to move things around on it.

I like to work with behavioral intervention strategies. I am also a fun loving person. I believe laughter is the best medicine, both physically and emotionally. Please watch this site for future changes and additions. I'm glad you stopped in to see the work in progress.

Click here for my Curriculum Vitae
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My Favorite Links

><>Human Rights page about the harmful effects of psychiatric drugs--interesting
><>IEP guide
><>LD Online-information about learning disabilities
><>Big page of special education links
><>Tennessee Technological University
><>The Jackson County Band Boosters'
><>The Eclectic Electric--my hubby's page
><> My photo and favorite links

Marilynn's list