

2/23/02 - Updated the family page. Not much else. Finally found out how to spiff up the gallery, but I wanna make thumbnails first. Must buy Photoshop... Also added a ton of sites to the links page, but had to remove the link to Kenshin's site b/c some asshole just had to harass him over the coding and he just took it down.


2/3/02 – Fancied up the lyrics page. I'm considering adding a fanfiction section to it too. Continue to ponder the gallery and how I'm gonna make it pretty. Have a guestbook too now, yey. So happy with myself...


12/27/01 – Created this web page. Rough drafts of everything.

-later that day: Finished up adding stuff to the page. Fine-tuned everything except the pictures. Won’t worry about them for now. Gonna hunt down a guestbook to add soon.