Albanian Roma Monarchist
Our only hope for stability
Roma of Abania are arguably one of the most persecuted people on earth.
We will provide information and news of current events of our community.
H.R.H. Prince Alexander of Epirus is our voice in the world and one
day soon he will be the King of a free and independent Epirus. As
our brothers are fleeing the chaos in Kosovo, they are living as unwanted
"guests" in surrounding countries. It is only with a strong and independant
Epirus that our people from all over the region will have a place to call
home. A country in which we share equal status with all other citizens.
Links to the Kingdom of Epirus
This is the official homepage of the Kingdom of Epirus, Government in Exile
Send submissions, comments, questions, and anything else that occurs
to you to us via e-mail at Roma