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Spirit Network for Gay Men

Ron Adams

Come and Join Us

Spirit Network for Gay Men

Our Mission Statement

We believe that all gay men have spirit.

We gather to create sacred space for Gay men to explore our spiritual identity. We are open to all denominations and spiritual paths:

We meet to share ritual and experience. To facilitate exploration by sharing our experiences and insights, while encouraging each other no matter where we are at in our own journeys:

To create a networking community with the intent to heal wounds, and to explore our gifts, power, and ability to live with integrity.

To get back to the roots of what it means to be gay and spiritual. To end homophobia, racism, prejudice, and stress, to foster healing, leadership, and vision.

We are open to all Gay men from any religious background and refuse no one who is interested in exploring Gay Spirituality.

Gay Men's Spirit Network Next Event to be updated and downloaded soon.

My Favorite Web Sites

White Crane Journal
Gay Spirit Visions
Gay Men of the Future
Cafe Vivid
Gay Icarus
Gay Men's Spiritual Network Message Board
Queer Psychic -- The Crowned & Conquering Child

My Favorite things about being gay.

  • Easy to use. Never messy!
  • Fast to link up with others.
  • Fun to design and create my own circle.
