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Home Remedies for Cold

Infectious problems, viral in condition, and enforced by picornaviruses and coronaviruses are the causes which prey upon people, commonly infecting all of them with severe virus-like acute coryza or nasopharyngitis, while they affect upon the top of respiratory system with revenge. This vial ailment that has been explained inside medical terms is usually known as the regular cold. The tormenting signs of the weakening condition may last for up to a full week at their most extreme, and stay upon up to a couple of weeks. These types of distressing problems consist of coughing, exhaustion, temperature, headaches, appetite loss, malaise, muscle mass weakness, nose blockage, sore throat, and sneezing. The possible looms regarding the affected person losing several days of both school and work. While there is not a simple vaccine obtainable, home remedies for cold would be the most ideal ways of cure.

It’s a sensitive person, by indirect and direct interaction with other people having this kind of virus, that gets a typical cold’s virus. Aerosols, which contain the viruses of common colds, that are imparted with such germination throughout sneezing or coughing is just one type of passing. Another variety is by the sensitive person connection with either nose or saliva discharges, through direct touching a contaminated person, or by giving or taking on exactly the same object or surface. Regular and appropriate hand cleaning is a great preventive step, among home cures for cold.

In supplying all people with natural and protective ammunition, in fighting a cold, exist several home remedies that carry this sort of strength.

Lemon is an ingenious choice amongst home remedies for cold. Blend a part of fresh lemon juice, along with some honey and warm water, and consume, as a sort of tea. Fresh lemon juice put into a dish of chilly water, and, by the way of a clean cloth press, can be applied to the forehead to help in the case of a shown temperature, as an additional home remedy for cold. The vitamin C attributes along with lemon infuse into the human body through the forehead supply assistance to the human body’s immune system.

Amid home remedies for cold is definitely the use of honey. It can go, from the teaspoon, or combined with warm water and lemon, being a type of tea.

A favorite option amongst home remedies for cold is the use of garlic clove. Several garlic cloves should be sliced and peeled. Drizzle the garlic clove along with half a mug of honey. Then blend either a little bit of ginger or pepper. Allow it to gravy for an hour or so. Take one teaspoon orally.

Pepper, in small proportions, put into meals or inside home remedies for the cold method, as previously explained, is an additional option among homemade remedies. Regarding rest, relaxation, and fevers, lavender tea is among advisable home remedies for cold.

Besides homemade remedies, sensible people also have to work on getting a higher immunity boost, taking multi-vitamins on regular basis, and doing some alternative medicine. Acupuncture is a good way of getting an immunity boost it is proven that it can help your whole body, preventing yourself from getting a cold or if you catch one, its effects won’t be so harsh on you, click here to see how acupuncture may help you boost your immunity.

Ginger; Another Important Medicinal Herb

When hearing the name Ginger, some people might think of Ginger Rogers. Others, such as myself, might think of Ginger from Gilligan's Island. At the same time, there also exists the historically important herb which is also named Ginger. It is this last Ginger that will be the topic of this month's featured article.

When I first began my Ginger research, I naturally checked to see if one of my favorite published Internet herbalists had anything to say about this pungent herb. As it turns out, Steven Foster does have an article on his website regarding Ginger. At his website, I discovered that his mother and my mother share a common home remedy for an upset stomach. This home remedy is Ginger Ale. For me, Ginger Ale was accompanied by Saltine Crackers. Interestingly, among many of the things I learned at his website and other websites as well, it turns out that there is a basis in fact for Dr. Mom’s prescription.

First, let's look at what Ginger is, and where it comes from. The botanical name for the plant that Ginger comes from is Zingiber Officinale and the part of the plant typically used is the fresh or dried roots. The Ginger family consists of "1200 plant species in 53 genera" while the name of the genus "Zingiber includes about 85 species of aromatic herbs from East Asia and tropical Australia." A Modern Herbal by Mrs. M Grieve has an excellent description of the plant: The description is as follows: "Ginger is a perennial root which creeps and increases underground, in tuberous joints; in the spring it sends up from its roots a green reed, like a stalk, 2 feet high, with narrow lanceolate leaves; these die down annually. The flowering stalk rises directly from the root, ending in an oblong scallop spike; from each spike, a white or yellow bloom grows. Important world producers of Ginger include Fiji, India, Jamaica, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, and China. American imports come from China, several Caribbean Islands, Africa, Central America, Brazil, and Australia.

While Ginger is one of the world's most famous spices and we put it into all sorts of foods such as ales, beers, cakes, cookies, and meat dishes, its exact origin is unknown. Herbal researcher and historian Richard Lucas notes that "Ginger holds a high place in Chinese materia medica. Foster notes that Ginger is mentioned in the earliest of Chinese herbals dating as far back as 2000 B.C. When considering Ginger's historical use in China and India, Foster makes an important distinction that fresh and dried Ginger have historically had different medicinal qualities. Some of the various uses in TCM for Ginger include abdominal bloating, coughing, vomiting, diarrhea, and rheumatism. In Ayurvedic medicine also, ginger has been used "for the treatment of inflammatory joint diseases, such as arthritis.

In an effort to bring us up to date with regard to Ginger in modern China, it may help to see the following quote by Foster:

"Even in modern China, while an essential ingredient in almost any meal, it is also one of the most widely consumed drugs. Both fresh and dried roots are official drugs of the modern Chinese pharmacopeia, as is a liquid extract and tincture of ginger. Ginger is used in dozens of traditional Chinese prescriptions as a "guide drug" to "mediate" the effects of potentially toxic ingredients. In fact, in modern China, Ginger is believed to be used in half of all herbal prescriptions."

Historically, it is known that Ginger found its way to western civilization as early as the 2nd century A.D. Its popularity as a spice in the western world has grown ever since. Furthermore, in England, by the 13th and 14th century Ginger was the most popular spice next to Pepper. This is despite the fact that it was a very expensive spice, costing as much as one sheep per pound! Going forward in time, Ginger has remained a popular spice and medicinal herb. Demand continues to increase as the herb rises in popularity.

The chemistry of Ginger is also quite fascinating. There are two distinct groups of chemicals responsible for the sensory perception of Ginger in the mouth and the nose. It is a mixture of terpenoids within the volatile oils that impart the characteristic aroma and modifies the taste. Meanwhile, it is "the non-volatile pungent principles, such as the gingerols and zingerone which produce the "hot" sensation in the mouth."

While the research is not totally conclusive, modern studies have indicated that Ginger is effective against nausea and perhaps even more effective than Dramamine with regard to nausea associated with motion sickness.6 Another recent study, adding to ginger's reputation as a stomachic, reflects that "acetone and methanol extracts of ginger strongly inhibits gastric ulceration."

Concerning the possible dangers of using Ginger, it is generally recommended that pregnant women and people with gallbladder complications should avoid this herb.

In conclusion, as people develop their taste for Ginger and realize its medicinal value and modern research continues to validate the medicinal claims, it is likely that it will continue to grow in popularity. Additionally, it hoped that yet another herb is on the horizon, which will yield medicinal promise.

If you’re interested in learning more about eastern medicine and treatments as well as the various health benefits they can provide, check out AB Acupuncture.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

The most common disorders being diagnosed by doctors these days

IBS affects one in five adults and more than one out of every ten visits to the doctor's results in this diagnosis.

IBS is a disease that people feel uncomfortable talking about as symptoms include bloating, gas, diarrhea, and constipation. There is also a stigma with this diagnosis since at one time it was considered to be a psychological rather than a physical condition.

Although it is widely diagnosed, most people show signs and symptoms that are generally quite mild and only a small number have severe signs and symptoms. Unlike more serious intestinal diseases such as Crohn's and Ulcerative Colitis, irritable bowel syndrome is not serious nor does it cause inflammation or changes in the bowel tissues. Neither does it increase the risk of colorectal cancer. It can be controlled by managing stress, lifestyle, and diet.

Signs and Symptoms:

Irritable bowel symptoms vary from person to person and often mimic those of other diseases.

The most common symptoms are:

As previously mentioned, most people have only mild symptoms while others find the problem disabling. They may have severe symptoms and signs and often have problems responding to medical treatments. Since IBS symptoms can be present with other diseases, it is important to overcome the reluctance to discuss them with your doctor. IBS is a chronic condition and without treatment, the symptoms sometimes get worse, but with the right changes, it can get better and even go into remission for a long period of time, even disappear altogether.

The causes of IBS are not exactly known:

The walls of the intestines are lined with layers of muscle that contract and relax as they move food from the stomach to the intestinal tract and onto the rectum. In a normal person, the muscles relax and contract in an even rhythm. People with IBS have contractions that are stronger and last longer than normal. This forces the food more quickly through the intestines causing gas, bloating, and diarrhea. On occasion the opposite happens: the food passage slows and the stools become hard and dry causing constipation.

Researchers have mixed beliefs on what causes the changes in the nerves that control sensation or muscle contractions in the bowel.

Some of their beliefs are:

Since the triggers are not consistent people react differently to different triggers.

The following are some of the triggers:

Foods: Symptoms worsen for some people when they eat or drink the following

Stress: IBS symptoms can worsen more often during stressful events and changes to the daily routine. While stress can aggravate symptoms, it does not cause them

Other illnesses such as gastroenteritis and acute bouts of diarrhea can cause flare-ups of IBS.

Risk Factors:

Seek medical treatment for persistent changes in bowel habits and other IBS symptom

Screening and diagnosis:

Mild symptoms can be controlled by:

For an alternative treatment to IBS, you can also consider acupuncture, which can help with IBS symptoms such as abdominal bloating. Click here to book an appointment with an experienced professional.

Mapping Of A Gene For Severe Pediatric Gastroesophageal Reflux To Chromosome 13Q14

Gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD, has only recently been categorized as an official disease process. Once regarded as nothing more than severe heartburn, GERD can be seen in people of all age groups. GERD was once thought of as an acquired disease, meaning the disease occurs either from injury or other influences. However, with the rise in cases of pediatric GERD, reports of GERD being a hereditary disease have gained momentum. The following study aimed at identifying the gene or genes that are most likely responsible for the occurrence of GERD.

Gastroesophageal reflux involves the upward movement of stomach contents into the esophagus due to a weakness in the muscle that closes the entrance to the stomach. Imagine trying to tie a water balloon, but the water keeps leaking out. Now, instead of water, imagine the balloon is filled with stomach acids. The stomach acids can cause irritations and damage to the esophagus. Although this happens normally from time to time for everyone, people who suffer from GERD deal with it much more often and in more severe levels.

Though GERD symptoms can be manageable to many patients, some may find it hinders their daily lives. Those who are interested in correcting their GERD through a minimally invasive procedure can receive an EsophyX TIF Procedure.

Children are far more vulnerable to GERD than adults. Severe pediatric GERD can lead to a failure to thrive due to malnutrition and avoidance of food. Chronic reflux can also affect the respiratory tract, causing asthma and other respiratory problems. Chronic GERD is also an associated risk factor of developing Barrett metaplasia, a pre-cancerous lesion of the esophagus. Infants are also at risk of aspiration of stomach contents and choking. GERD has also been implicated in sudden infant death syndrome. In short, reflux sux. The good news is that many children outgrow the effects of GERD between the ages of 1 and 5 years. However, us parents know that it can be a LONG 1 to 5 years. And even then, some children don't outgrow it completely.

The aim of this study was to find a specific genetic component as the cause of GERD. The study was performed with the help of PAGER (Pediatric/Adolescent Gastroesophageal Reflux Association). Families with a history of GERD symptoms were invited to participate.

The scientists who took part in this study searched for the GERD gene by performing a "microsatellite marker-based genome-wide scan." In English, they looked for the gene by narrowing down the area in which the gene was most likely located. The microsatellite markers attach to specific points on human DNA. Then, by comparing the satellite markers in those affected by GERD with those in non-affected patients, they were able to identify where the gene is located.

It sounds very complicated because it is. Imagine that your car breaks down on the highway. You call a tow truck, but you don't know exactly where you are. You do know, however, that you started driving at mile marker 15 and you were headed to mile marker 35. Now the tow truck driver knows to look for you somewhere in that area. That's how gene mapping works. Scientists (tow truck drivers) use satellite markers (mile markers) to find specific genes (you and your busted car) in sequences of DNA (the highway).

Once scientists find the markers in common, special programs are used to analyze how likely that marker is linked to the disease in question. In this particular study, a single marker located on chromosome 13 showed strong evidence of linkage. After further analysis too complex to mention, the scientists were able to successfully map the gene for severe pediatric GERD to a small region on chromosome 13.

Now we all have a target to vent our frustration and rage. "Well, if your chromosome 13 wasn't messed up, then our child would be perfectly fine! Great job! Way to pass on faulty genetics!" In all seriousness, this represents a large leap forward in not only the diagnosis of GERD but the treatment as well. Presently, only treatment of the symptoms is possible. Now that the genetic source of the disease has been discovered, more effective therapies that relate to the biochemical source of GERD can be developed.

Short-Term Complications: High Blood Sugar

Another term for high blood sugar is hyperglycemia. Hyperglycemia can cause a person to feel tired, have blurred vision, become very thirsty or hungry, and urinate frequently. Some people with high blood sugar have few, if any, symptoms. Testing the blood sugar level is often the only sure way of detecting hyperglycemia.

Long-term high blood sugar damages the blood vessels, nerves, and other organs -- the eyes, kidneys, and heart.

Two very serious short-term conditions relating to high blood sugar are diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) and hyperglycemic hyperosmolar nonketotic syndrome (HHNS).

High Blood Sugar with Ketones

Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is a serious condition that usually occurs only in people with type 1 diabetes. With DKA, the blood sugar level is often high and the blood and urine contain ketones. Ketones are waste products that collect in the blood and urine when the body uses body fat for fuel.

DKA occurs when the blood contains too little insulin for the body to use sugar as an energy source. The sugar stays in the blood, and the body uses body fat as an energy source. The byproducts of this process, ketones, build up in the blood and come out in the urine. They can make you very sick.

DKA can occur very quickly, especially if you are sick for a reason unrelated to diabetes or during a period of severe stress. When you are sick, test your blood sugar several times a day. If you have type 1 diabetes, test your urine for ketones when you are sick or your blood sugar is above 240 milligrams glucose per deciliter blood (mg/dL). Ask your doctor or diabetes educator how to check your urine for ketones.

The signs of ketoacidosis are:

If you feel you have any of these symptoms, or you have ketones in your urine, call your doctor right away. This is something you will need help to treat. You will need to check your blood sugar frequently (at least every 4 hours) and drink plenty of sugar-free fluids (water). You may also need to take more insulin. Check with your doctor what you should do.


Check your urine for ketones when:

Do not exercise when you have ketones in your urine.

Call your doctor if you have ketones in your urine.

High Blood Sugar Without Ketones

Hyperglycemic hyperosmolar nonketotic syndrome (HHNS) is a serious condition that usually occurs only in people with type 2 diabetes. It is similar to diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) in people with type 1 diabetes, except that when people with type 2 diabetes have dangerously high blood sugar levels, they rarely produce ketones. When you have even a small amount of effective insulin available to use sugar for energy, the body will tend to use sugar first, before being forced to break down fat for fuel.

HHNS also produces fewer early symptoms, so blood sugar levels may remain seriously elevated for an extended period, increasing the risk of diabetes-related problems.

HHNS usually occurs more gradually than DKA but can occur more easily when you are sick or during a period of severe stress.

The symptoms of HHNS are the same as those of high blood sugar: feeling tired, blurred vision, extreme thirst, frequent urination. If you have any of these symptoms or your blood sugar is over 350 mg/dL, call your doctor. Check your blood sugar frequently (at least every four hours) and drink a lot of sugar-free beverages.


Do not exercise when your blood sugar is extremely high. (Check with your doctor to learn what your blood sugar level should be before you resume exercise.)

Also, if you are experiencing gastrointestinal complications, diabetes, or obesity alongside your high blood sugar conditions, consider visiting IES Medical Group and learn which of their many advanced procedures can treat your condition.

Thingѕ tо Knоw Abоut Pizza Delivery

Pizza dеlivеrу can make уоur lifе easier in multiple ways. It is рорulаr with diverse grоuрѕ of people. They аrе trаnѕроrtеd very ѕimрlу frоm Pоint A to Pоint B. Thiѕ humblе dish can bе thе hit оf a variety оf оссаѕiоnѕ. Whеn уоu рlасе уоur оrdеr and finаllу hеаr the dооrbеll ring, уоu knоw a tasty mеаl will bе on thе tаblе soon.

People оf аll ages аnd ѕосiоесоnоmiс brackets орt fоr рizzа dеlivеrу when thеу’rе rеаdу fоr a tаѕtу mеаl or snack. It саn be the реrfесt main diѕh fоr vegetarians, саrnivоrеѕ, рiсkу eaters, аnd аnуоnе in between. Vеgеtаriаnѕ will bе hарру as can bе with vеggiеѕ оn tор оf their рiе. Nеаrlу аnу vegetable can be ѕliсеd, diсеd аnd сооkеd оn top, including оniоnѕ, tоmаtоеѕ, zuссhini, muѕhrооmѕ, eggplant, and аrtiсhоkе hearts. Fоr the mеаt еаtеrѕ, ѕаuѕаgе аnd рерреrоni аrе fаvоritеѕ, but thаt’ѕ nоt аll that findѕ its wау to thе top. Cаrnivоrеѕ аlѕо likе chicken, turkey, bееf, and роrk. The bеаutу оf thiѕ diѕh iѕ that they can bе рrераrеd to fit any taste buds.

Pizzа delivery hаѕ bееn gоing оn forever. The оriginаl vеndоrѕ stood оn street corners ѕеlling their wаrеѕ. Thе vendors moved аrоund thе сitiеѕ and tоwnѕ саrrуing ѕtасkѕ оf рiеѕ оn thеir heads. Today, thеѕе роrtаblе mеаlѕ are slid into inѕulаtеd bаgѕ аnd drivеn tо homes аnd оffiсеѕ in every rеgiоn. Pizzаѕ аrrivе at mеаltimе at hоuѕеѕ, apartments, dау саrе centers, nurѕing hоmеѕ, соllеgе dоrmѕ, and thе bоаrd mееting оf a high riѕе office building.

This versatile diѕh fееdѕ hungry diners аt аn array оf сеlеbrаtiоnѕ and events. When рlаnning a раrtу оr еvеnt, thе рlаnnеr doesn’t hаvе tо worry too muсh аbоut fооd choices if thе рizzа delivery rеѕtаurаnt iѕ nearby.

Thе guests and аttеndееѕ аt birthdау раrtiеѕ, Bоу Sсоut meetings, 12-ѕtер grоuрѕ, rеtirеmеnt раrtiеѕ, bоwling tournaments, аnd even wеdding receptions саn bе fеd when thе рizzеriа аrоund thе соrnеr mаkеѕ hоuѕе саllѕ.

Whatever уоur age оr inсоmе, рizzа dеlivеrу can bе thе аnѕwеr tо the question, “What’s fоr dinnеr?” Cruѕtѕ can be thiсk оr thin; реорlе саn order ѕmаll personal ѕizе рiеѕ оr gigаntiс mоnѕtеr рiеѕ that can fееd a сrоwd.

Whеn your dооrbеll ringѕ, dоn’t fоrgеt tо thаnk уоur drivеr with a ѕmilе and a cash tiр. The person driving thе рizzеriа truсk is probably уоur neighbor working a ѕесоnd job, a ѕtudеnt рауing fоr her tuition, or a wоrkеr whо hаѕ decided tо dedicate hiѕ оr hеr life tо serving hungrу сuѕtоmеrѕ pizzas at just thе right moment.

If you need a quick order and you’re around Boyne City or Howards City, then you can call BC Pizza and choose from the wide range of delicious pizzas, appetizers, desserts and more.

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