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-- Demo --

  1. The Dreamquest Of The Unknown Avalon

    Producido por Manolo Schafler. Grabado y Mezclado por Jose Luis Corral en febrero de 1995, estudios REC, Santiago.


Mayday´s Eve
Broomsticks hurry to Brocken
Under the moon of Mayday´s Eve
Witches shriek and laugh in the sky
´Cause it´s the night of Walpurgis
Kiss the Devil under his tail
Witch and demon celebrating
Just greed and lust in bloodshot eyes
Only evil is to be seen
Sisters, join the feast ´till dawn comes
Magic spells have made them wicked
And now malice runs through their blood
Stolen babies they sacrifice
To Beelzebub and Astaroth
On this Sabath all dark creatures
Praise the master who rules their soul
Just greed and lust in bloodshot eyes
Only evil is to be seen
Sisters, join the feast ´till dawn comes
Frantic bodies are dancing naked
Candles blow out, as storms are raising

The winds of heaven turn up the fire
Ghoulish rituals they perform unseen


Bats in the Bellfry

A restless spirit,
deprived too young of life´s sweet joys
The day they hang me I still curse
No cemetery pyre
will make me decompose
Now at nightfall I start to roam

A maiden´s neck
White and tender
I long to find

Fast wings, eager fangs
Like a bat I hunt

Garlic nor crosses
will stop an undead villain
As you may always have believed
Only rays of sun can scare me
into my old grave
To sleep concealed in earth of home

Nothing´s hard ´cause
Ladies do like
Being sucked

Fast wings, eager fangs
Like a bat I hunt

Blood, I steal from innocent virgins
Red, Drops tickle in my tongue and throat
Screams, Rebounce as I hasten away
Night, Will eternally hide my sins



Holy Fire

Oaken doors silence cries of mercy
At the inquisitor´s fiendlishness
Souls now broken lie in his clutch
The state of grace no longer lasts

All who denies the truth revealed
Whether he be king or commoner
Is robbed of wealth, sanity and life
While angels guard these pious duties

Red rivers flow out of sinful bodies
Senescent is the heretic´s strenght
Celestial whips shall purgate all disbelieve
The Inquisition, with God, reigns

Burned in sacred ceremony ´cause
They could not see the living light
Holyness has made them martyrs
Beneath the Bergamot they lie



The Dreamquest of the Unknown Avalon

Eyes of doves have seen the enemy´s face
Hawks prepare for the defence
´Cause a new God is destroying
t he old isle of Avalon
Lord Guigomar´s knights must slay Him now
Otherwise the Dragon dies
Without his breath the mists shall take
the island into oblivion

Valiant and brave
On horses proud
Fierce riders are eager to fight
Gleaming helmets
Shield and strong lance
No cavalier ever surrends

Lands glide on under the palfrey´s swift pace
Grey clouds are cov´ring the sky
All knights listen to catch the sound of horn
or baying of hound
Anger grows as they near the place yonder
Where villainy has no equal
Whence came red and black flames
to lick at the sacred mother´s earth

Pledged an holy oath to Merlin and Priestess
Thou may be sure without fail
That we shall fight untill defeat or victory
Fate give us an honorful death

Lightning of silver, the black sky explodes
A roar rises from the fight
Cavaliers draw their swords
from the scabbards while the horses sweat and foam
No knight of Avalon scares from battle
Blood slakes the thirst of their swords
The Dragon survives as long as they have
the strenght to rise after fall


¥og §othoth © 2002

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In Nomini
"In Nomini"
Cassette: \$2000
CD: [no disponible]

Black Leather from Hell
"Black Leather from Hell"
Cassette: \$2000
CD: \$4000

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