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The Dutch Draft

Not as tall as most of his other draft coleagues, the Dutch Draft on average stands 16 hands plus. Colours are Chestnut, bay, roan and gray, with black sometimes seen. He sports heavy feathering on the legs.

This horse is sometimes mistaken for the Belgian, as his conformation and colouring are often similar. His head is straight inprofile and topped with short but expressive ears. Strong muscles and powerful legs are this horse's second best attribute. The first is his quiet disposition, one that is so often shared by other draft horses.

But the Dutch Heavy Draft can "turn a lively foot" when required, which makes him quite suitable for working the heavy soil. Not surprisingly, he is the heaviest of all the Dutch horses, making him the horse of choice for hauling heavy loads for extended periods.

The Dutch Heavy Draft was developed from the Zeeland Horse with some Belgian and Belgian Ardennes influence. This Breed is a rarity today.