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My Pets Pages

I am If you have ICQ, my number is 45400723. If you don't, you can get it by going Here.

*UPDATE* Dec 27, 2003. I don't know how many people visit this site anymore. Actually, this is the first time in a long while I have visited this site. All my beloved pets on this site, are gone. Life has been hectic since then, but I guess continues to go on.

I visit this site only to remember them. I cried my eyes out on this site. Mostly because of Sassy, Snipy and Rosie, who are now in heaven, sleeping peacefully. I guess I should be happy they are resting after years of giving me joy, and happiness. I just missed them so.

On a happyier note, After the years have gone by, I now have a new baby. On christmas day, 2003, we brought home a lil chihuahua puppy, named Boo. He looks alot like my beloved Sassy. And I have happy to say hes doing very well, and is already a spoiled brat.

Maybe some day, when I feel up to it, I will re-do this site. Bringing my new furbaby onto the 'net. Hopefully I will get to update this site soon. I want to thank everyone who has supported me though the years. Best Wishes ^_^ contact me at

Enjoy my beloved furbabies.

Hello! My name is Chrisdy! But on the 'net I am known as Ch.Puppy and sometimes Little Hoof. I live in Nova Scotia, Canada. I made and own this web page, and it is dedicated to: Rosie , Rumble , Roxie, the Bulldogs, Sassy the Chihuahua, Snipy the Chihuahua mix, Spirit, Parsley, Wedgie, Trigger the Miniature Horses, and in Memory of Rex The Bulldog, Sookie and Misty the Horses. They are my "FurBabies"

Please click on the links to your left to visit My Pets pages, some bulldog and dog information or check out my Links Page. You can see some of my friends web pages, the Canadian & American Kennel Clubs,the Bulldog Club of America webpage, and some other cool dog links. You can also Add you own Link to my Links Page! Also check out the pictures (some of them turned out a little dark) and webrings at the bottom of this page. I try to update this page every week, so please refresh often!

Please take time to sign my Guestbook, post a message in my Forum, Enter My Pet Chat Room, or E-mail Me with any questions, compliments, ideas or complaints you may have. Enjoy my Furbabies! THANKS!

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