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Krista's Grad
Krista's Prom
Check our our Wedding Website
Nanton Fish and Game 2004
Jenn and I are Engaged!
Here is the story in a long version and for those with less time here is the short version.
If you cannot view the stories, here they are in Word-long version and short version.

Hello! My name is Scott DeCoste. I am originally from Mattie Settlement, Antigonish County, Nova Scotia, Canada. I graduated from St. Francis Xavier University in 2000 and moved to Calgary. My resume is available for your perusal.


Check out my Friends page to see some of my greatest friends pics.


Below is Mom (to the left), myself, and my Aunt Beverly (Mom's twin sister) the day before I left for Europe. I don't find they look that much alike, do you?
Here are some of my other Family pics so that you can see who those people are that made me who I am today.


The pic below is of Brad Davies (a friend from Oz that I knew for about 3 days-what a Great Guy!), me, and several other Scottish spirited ladies celebrating New Years Eve in Edinburgh. The Hogmanay festival is the biggest New Year's celebration in the entire UK. I had to sleep outside because I did not anticipate this huge number of people (250,000) in town for the celebrations, but it was well worth it!

Here you can check out a some more pics I have of when I was in Europe.

Below you will find other pages that I have constructed, simply click on the one of choice and you wll be wisked off to that destination.

Our pet Meatball
Toronto in January 2003
Jenn's 22nd B-day
BUNAC Reunion July 2003.
Takakkaw Falls in Yoho National Park
2nd trip up the Middle Sister at 9085ft
Home in October '02
Home in August '02
Ice Caves
Hawaiian Party
WRX-Mas Party 2002
X-Mas 2002
Jeremy Wotherspoon
Canada Day 2002
Landry Family Reunion
MacKenna Reunion
Hiking the Rockies
Flames Game
Elliot's Western Tour - Fall 2001
Random Shots - June 20th
Trip to K-Country
My Grandfater's Book
Canadian Men's Hockey Olympic Gold
2nd Annual Hat Party
Summer 2001
Italian Page
Out & About
TNR Style!
New York
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Viewers Since January 15th 1999

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