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May Minutes

King's Orange Rangers Association

Monthly Meeting: 07 May, 2001

Gorham School, Liverpool, NS

1. Call to Order

-The meeting was called to order by Robert Folvik

2. Minutes-

- the minutes of the April meeting were circulated

-there was a motion by Michael Henry to accept the minutes as circulated

-the motion was seconded by Owen Hamlin and carried

3.Paymaster's Report:

-the current balance was $8771.21

-it was moved by Bob Stafford that the report be accepted as circulated. Seconded by Owen Hamlin - carried.

4. Correspondence

-there were two thank you cards from Dr. John C. Wickwire School and a second from Joanne Uhlman's class.


a)Tourism Grant -the muskets are en route, Pete has finished all belts and slings, drum should be shipped tomorrow (May 8) morning, and the new tents have been picked up and delivered.

b)Special Events - Friday...went to Yarmouth

- May 12 - Sat.- fund raiser for Gorham School. 10AM-2PM

-June 15th - Halifax - George's Island - we need 20 members to go and look pretty. Owen moved we accept the invitation for June 15th. Seconded by John Leefe. There was discussion about travelling to and from Halifax. - carried.

- On May 17,18,19, and 20 there are 3 stores opoening in Liverpool. We have been asked to open 2 of them.

c)Privateer Days - Nothing was brought up that would change anything. The parade route would go along Bristol St. Set up for the encampment will be Friday afternoon and the parade will be on Sat. 84th will be attending (approx. 13) and Bucky is in charge of set up.

d) Powder - is in...and we have to pay full shipping price. Moved we pay full price by John Inkpen...seconded by John Leefe. carried.

6. New Business

a)Salmon Supper - tickets have been given out - they must be back by June 4th meeting. John Leefe will make posters. Jobs were delegated.

b) Post Cards - the postcard rules were read again as a refresher.......there was a questoin about whether we need to take pictures in town during Privateer Days and it was decided it was not needed.

c))Second Awning - We were informed that Pete does not know how to use his sewing machine.....Bucky can get the sewing done for free at work after his things have been finished.

d)King's Birthday - it was decided that the celebration and meeting would take place on the same night. It would take the form of a short meeting and a long celebration. Members are to meet at the museum at 6:30 to leave at 6:45. to go to Fort Point. After that there would be a get together at RK ans DA's house for potluck. Owen moved we spend up to $200.00 for food...seconded by John Leefe...carried.


e)It was suggested that a video of KOR be produced and be made available to groups who want us and still cant get us.

f)Owen moved we buy a spring setting gismo (jig)....seconded by John Leefe. carried

g) It was moved that the meeting be adjourned.. Seconded and carried...