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The 'Abbasid caliphate



Opposition to the Umayyads finally came to a head in northeastern Iran (Khorasan) in 747 when the mawla Abu Muslim raised black banners in the name of the 'Abbasids, a branch of the family of the Prophet, distantly related to 'Ali and his descendants. In 749 the armies from the east reached Iraq, where they received the support of much of the population. The 'Abbasids themselves came from their retreat at Humaymah in southern Jordan, and in 749 the first 'Abbasid caliph, as-Saffah, was proclaimed in the mosque at Al-Kufah.

This " 'Abbasid Revolution" ushered in the golden age of medieval Iraq. Khorasan was too much on the fringes of the Muslim world to be a suitable capital, and from the beginning the 'Abbasid caliphs made Iraq their base. By this time Islam had spread well beyond the original garrison towns, even though Muslims were still a minority of the population.

At first the 'Abbasids ruled from Al-Kufah or nearby, but in 762 al-Mansur founded a new capital on the site of the old village of Baghdad. It was officially known as Madinat as-Salam ("City of Peace"), but in popular usage the old name prevailed. Baghdad soon became larger than any city in Europe or western Asia. Al-Mansur built the massive Round City with four gates and his palace and the main mosque in the centre. This Round City was exclusively a government quarter, and soon after its construction the markets were banished to the Karkh suburb to the south. Other suburbs soon grew up, developed by leading courtiers: Harbiyyah to the northeast, where the Khorasani soldiers were settled, and, across the Tigris on the east bank, a new palace quarter for the caliph's son and heir al-Mahdi.

The siting of Baghdad proved to be an act of genius. It had access to both the Tigris and Euphrates river systems and was close to the main route through the Zagros Mountains to the Iranian plateau. Wheat and barley from Al-Jazirah and dates and rice from Basra and the south could be brought by water. By the year 800 the city may have had as many as 500,000 inhabitants and was an important commercial centre as well as the seat of government. The city grew at the expense of other centres, and both the old Sasanian capital at Ctesiphon (called Al-Mada'in, "The Cities," by the Arabs) and the early Islamic centre at Al-Kufah fell into decline.

The high point of prosperity was probably reached in the reign of Harun ar-Rashid (786-809), when Iraq was very much the centre of the empire and riches flowed into the capital from all over the Muslim world. The prosperity and order in the southern part of the country was, however, offset by outbreaks of lawlessness in Al-Jazirah, notably the rebellion of the Bedouin Walid ibn Tarif, who defied government forces between 794 and 797. Even the most powerful governments found it difficult to extend their authority beyond the limits of the settled land.

Much more serious disruption followed the death of Harun in 809. He left his son al-Amin as caliph in Baghdad but divided the Caliphate and gave his son al-Ma'mun control over Iran and the eastern half of the empire. This arrangement soon broke down, and there ensued a prolonged and very destructive civil war. The supporters of al-Amin made an ill-judged attempt to invade Iran in the spring of 811 but were soundly defeated at Rayy (modern Shahr-e Rey, just south of modern Tehran). Al-Ma'mun's supporters retaliated by invading Iraq, and from August 812 until September 813 they laid siege to Baghdad, while the rest of Iraq slid into anarchy. The collapse of Baghdadi resistance and the death of al-Amin did not improve matters, for al-Ma'mun, now generally recognized as caliph, decided to rule from Marw in distant Khorasan (modern Mary, in Turkmenistan).This downgrading of Iraq united many different groups in prolonged and bitter resistance to al-Ma'mun's governor and led to another siege of Baghdad. Finally al-Ma'mun was forced to concede that he could not rule from a distance, and in August 819 he returned to Baghdad.

Once again Iraq was the central province of the Caliphate and Baghdad the capital, but the prolonged conflict had left much of Baghdad in ruins and caused great destruction in the countryside. It probably marked the beginning of the long decline in the prosperity of the area; this decline was marked from the 9th century onward. Al-Ma'mun sent his generals to bring Syria and Egypt back under 'Abbasid rule and set about restoring the government apparatus, many of the administrative records having been destroyed in the fighting. His reign in Baghdad (819-833) saw Iraq become the centre of remarkable cultural activity, notably the translation of Greek science and philosophy into Arabic. The caliph himself collected texts, employed translators like the celebrated Hunayn ibn Ishaq, and established an academy in Baghdad, the Bayt al-Hikmah ("House of Wisdom"), with a library and an observatory. Private patrons such as the Banu Musa brothers followed his example. This activity had a profound effect not only on Muslim intellectual life but also on the intellectual life of western Europe, for much of the science and philosophy taught in universities in the Middle Ages was derived from these Arabic translations, rendered into Latin in Spain in the 12th century.

Politically the position was less rosy. Al-Ma'mun was unable to recruit sufficient forces to replace the old 'Abbasid army that had been destroyed in the civil war, and he became increasingly dependent on his younger brother, Abu Ishaq, who had gathered a small but highly efficient force of Turkish mercenaries, many of them slaves or ex-slaves from Central Asia. When al-Ma'mun died in 833, Abu Ishaq, under the title of al-Mu'tasim, succeeded him without difficulty. Al-Mu'tasim was no intellectual but rather an effective soldier and administrator. His reign marks the introduction into Iraq of an alien, usually Turkish, military class, which was to dominate the political life of the country for centuries to come. From this time Iraqi Arabs were rarely employed in military positions, though they continued to be influential in the civil administration.

The recruitment of this new military class provoked resentment among the Baghdadis, who felt that they were being excluded from power. This resentment led al-Mu'tasim to found a new capital at Samarra', the last major urban foundation in Iraq until the 20th century. He chose a site on the Tigris about 100 miles north of Baghdad. Here he laid out a city with palaces and mosques, broad straight streets, and a regular pattern of housing. The ruins of this city, which was expanded by his successor al-Mutawwakil (847-861), can still be seen on the ground and, more strikingly, in aerial photographs, in which the whole plan can be made out. Samarra' became a vast city, but it had none of the natural advantages of Baghdad: communication by river and canal with the Euphrates and southern Iraq was much more difficult, and despite massive investment the water supply was always inadequate. Samarra' survived only while it was the capital of the Caliphate, from 836 to 892. When the caliphs returned to Baghdad, it showed no independent urban vitality and soon shrank to a small provincial town, which is why its remains can still be seen when all traces of early 'Abbasid Baghdad have disappeared.

For nearly 30 years the new regime worked well, and Iraq was for the last time the centre of a large empire. Tax revenues from other areas enriched Samarra', and Baghdad continued to prosper under the rule of the Tahirid family. Basra remained a great entrepÔt on the Persian Gulf. The employment of Turkish soldiers without any ties to the local community gave rise to political instability, however. In 861 the caliph al-Mutawwakil was assassinated in his palace in Samarra' by disaffected troops, and there began a nine-year anarchy in which the Turkish soldiers made and deposed caliphs virtually at will. In 865 open civil war raged between Samarra' and Baghdad, resulting in another destructive siege of Baghdad. The anarchy played itself out, and in 870 stability was restored with the caliph al-Mu'tamid in Samarra' as titular ruler and his dynamic military brother al-Muwaffaq exercising real power in Baghdad, but the anarchy had done real and lasting damage to Iraq. Almost all the provinces of the empire, both the Iranian lands in the east and Syria and Egypt to the west, had broken away and become independent. Worse, a major social revolt had broken out in southern Iraq itself. In the prosperous years of early Islamic Iraq, large numbers of slaves had been imported from East Africa to be used in grueling agricultural work in the marshes of southern Iraq. In 869 they rose in rebellion, led by an Arab who claimed to be a descendant of 'Ali. This rebellion was extremely serious for the 'Abbasid government: it laid to waste large areas of agricultural land, and the great trading port of Basra was taken and sacked in 871, the rebels burning mosques and houses and massacring the inhabitants with indiscriminate ferocity. Although Basra was soon recaptured, it is unlikely that it ever fully recovered, and trade shifted down the gulf to cities such as Siraf (modern Taheri) in southern Iran. The crushing of this revolt involved long and hard amphibious campaigns in the marshes, led by al-Muwaffaq and his son Abu' l-'Abbas (later the caliph al-Mu'tathid) from 879 until the rebel stronghold at Mukhtarah was finally taken in 883.

The reigns of al-Mu'tathid (892-902) and his son al-Muktafi (902-908) saw Iraq united under 'Abbasid control. Once more Baghdad was the capital, although the caliphs had largely abandoned the Round City of al-Mansur on the west bank, and the centre of government now lay on the east bank in the area that has remained the centre of the city ever since. It was a period of great cultural activity, and Baghdad was home to many intellectuals, including the great historian at-Tabari, whose vast work chronicled the early history of the Muslim state; however, it was no longer the capital of a great empire. During the reign of the boy caliph al-Muqtadir (908-932), the political situation deteriorated rapidly. The weakness of the caliph gave rise to endless intrigues among parties of viziers and to a growing tendency for the military to take matters into its own hands. Increasingly the government in Baghdad lost control of the revenues and lands of Iraq. In 935 the final crisis occurred when the caliph ar-Rai was obliged to hand over all real secular power to an ambitious general, Ibn Ra'iq.

The political catastrophe of the 'Abbasid Caliphate was accompanied by economic collapse. It is probable that the vicious circle of decline started with the civil war after Harun's death in 809, and there can be no doubt that it was exacerbated by the demands of the Turkish military for payment. Administrators increasingly resorted to short-term expedients such as tax farming, which encouraged extortion and oppression, and the granting of iqtas to the military. In theory, iqta's were grants of the right to collect and use tax revenues; they could not be inherited or sold. The purpose of an iqta' was that the soldiers themselves would collect what they could directly from lands assigned to them. Both these remedies put a premium on short-term exploitation of land rather than long-term investment. Except in the north, most Iraqi agriculture was dependent on investment in and upkeep of complex irrigation works, and these new fiscal systems proved disastrous. In 935, the same year in which ar-Rai handed over power to the military leader Ibn Ra'iq, the greatest of the ancient irrigation works of central Iraq, the Nahrawan canal, was breached to impede an advancing army. The damage was never repaired, large areas went out of cultivation, and villages were abandoned. The destruction of the canal is symbolic of the end of the irrigation culture that had brought great wealth to ancient Mesopotamia and that had underpinned Sasanian and early Islamic government.


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