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Anime speed bump
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What's Inside...

Wanna see how funny anime can be? Go straight to the links page for a taste of anime humor on the web.



Feel some of that unique Anime Speed Bump love with our main features. A new feature added whenever I feel like it!



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The only rule about the content in our extras section is that there are no rules.



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    Welcome to Anime Speed Bump

Welcome to Anime Speed Bump.

Hello. My name is Ed and I will be leading you through the world of Anime Speed Bump. This site is dedicated to the more comical side of anime. I have compiled a list of links to other sites focused on anime humor, and also made a few features myself.

If this is your first time here, I will give you a few hints. Some of the most popular features of this site in the past have been: How to Speak Japanese-Canadian, Mothers Against Crappy Backgrounds, and Mascot Auditions Gone Wrong. Consider visiting these places first if you don't know where to go.

For the rest of you who have been here, you may notice that I kicked my "not-really-but-acting-like-I'm-over-cocky-to-the-point-of-humor" style of writing. It just didn't seem funny anymore. I'm testing out this new style, I call it the"honest and practical writing style". I'll let you decide which one is better.

Enjoy the site!

What's New at Anime Speed Bump?

As of March 15, 2000: Added a new feature (finally...), see it in the features section under Ramen 1/2. I'm also experimenting with a background image, hopefully it doesn't impede the readability.

As of March 8, 2000: Posted some banners you can use to link to this site, see them here. Also added a few more entries to the list of Funniest sites, and fixed a few broken links.

As of Febuary 6, 2000: We have a new homepage! All the other pages have been changed slightly, to make them look better on high resolution monitors. I put up some new pictures for each section page too. Otherwise the content has not changed much. I hope to add a new feature within a few weeks, the old ones have been there for a while.

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