The Devil
The Devil
Most religions have a devil or devils (hmm¡Kthe more the better I say!!) The Devil is the chief spirit of evil and enemy of God, tempter of mankind, often represented as the ruler of hell and depicted as a human figure with horns, cloven hoofs, and tail. The Devil can also be a person or animal regarded as cruel, wicked or ill-natured, or those regared as clever, daring, annoying.

The word devil comes from the Greek, meaning, slanderer or false accuser. The Ancient Hebrew world for devil was Satan Early men believed that the harmful forces of nature were demons and evil spirits. The blamed demons or all their troubles, Satan is the author of all evil.

Other Names for The Devil include:

Satan = Adversary of God.

Lucifer = Leader of the rebellion of angels.

Apollyon = The destroyer.

Beelzebub = from Hebrew literally means ¡¥lord of flies¡¦.

Diablo = Devil.

Fiend = Satan, an evil spirt, a person who is pextremely wicked.

Old Harry, Old Nick = Jocular name for Satan.

Serpent = A manifestation of Stan as a guileful tempter.

Prince of Darkness = Another name for Satan. Archfiend = Chief of fiends or devils.

Demon = Evil spirit or Devil.

Succubus (also called Succuba) = Any evil Demon, female demon fabled to have sexual intercourse with sleeping men.

Incubus = A demon believed in folklore.

Isn¡¦t this just EVIL?? A whole list of devil related words¡Ktook me bloody ages..and if anyone¡¦s wondering I got the definitions from ¡¥Collins English Dictionary¡¨. If I¡¦ve missed any (and I¡¦ll bet I have) Just email and I¡¦ll fix it up ASAP:

Beltane is an ancient Celtic festival with a sacrificial bonfire on May Day. It¡¦s a superb festival were everyone gets really reall pissed and then screw the first person they see¡Kyes that¡¦s RIGHT¡Kthey just f*ck like crazy on this day!!¡Ktoo bad they don¡¦t do this anymore¡K

Devil worship or Satanism is a form of worship, which includes blasphemous of obscene parodies of Christian prayers, etc. It is part of the religion of certain tribes in Africa, Asia, and South America. Devil Dances played a large part in demon worship in Tibet, Devil worshipers believe that the powers of evil are as great as the powers of good They believe that The Devil is an evil god and he can harm those who reufse to worship him.

Devil worship seems to arise out of human needs, one is a need to deal with the evil forces they believe are present in the world. The other is a desire to act out some of the evil forces that men vaguely sense in themselves but cannot deal with consciously.

(parts extracted from article by Floyd H. Ross)

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