Updated - 08/31/00
I'm changing the layout of this site little by little. Expect a bigger update in a few
days since I have a 4-day weekend coming up in school.
I'm changing it to an almost only X-Files manga archive for right now.
I'm trying to get more manga, but's VERY hard to find!! [>_<]
I added a Link to Me page for my site's banners and buttons.
Please check it out! I wanna know if you like the buttons/banners!
I had to edit alot of images to get them to look nice and all...
I've started school awhile back, so it's
gonna be kinda hard to work on the site as
much as I did this summer.
So it may be awhile before I update again.
X-Files Manga Scans
Link to Me
X-Files Fan Fiction
Not complete yet, but when I post updates I'll add more to it!
Click here to see the cover for "Boredom".
Below are a few of my personal favorite fan fictions.
These links goto the author's homepage or the story itself.
"The Magician" by
Jennifer Lyon & Suzanne Bickerstaffe
"Tempest" and "Hardball" by
Missy Pennington
"Downtime" by
Sheryl Martin
"Chicken Soup for the Soul" by
Stacey Oziel
"Dance Without Sleeping" by
Lydia Bower
This is where I got the pic for the cover to "Boredom". Check it out!
The X-Files & Millennium Banner Exchange
If you do take them without my consent, I will
personally hunt you down and KILL you.
About 90% of the time I will say yes and
let you use them, if you would just ask!
Just e-amil me about it!
Disclaimer: Everything to do with the X-Files
is property of FOX, 1013 productions and Chris Carter.
No infringement intended. This site is not authorized by Fox.
No money is being made. Don't sue. Don't sue. Don't sue. Please don't sue. I have no money, so don't sue.
There is no MIDI currently playing.
Send any suggestions to my e-mail.