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Fall of Otosan Uchi
(156 cards)

___ 1. Hand of the Shogun (R)
___ 2. Kansen Haunting (U)
___ 3. Song of Corruption (R)
___ 4. Inferno (R)
___ 5. Pulse of the Black River (U)
___ 6. Using the Wish (R)
___ 7. Vengeful Dead (U)
___ 8. Blood Money (U)
___ 9. Favor for a Favor (R)

___ 10. Broken Words (U)
___ 11. Run For Your Lives! (U)
___ 12. Hungry Ghost (U)
___ 13. Moneylender (R)
___ 14. Kaeru Contractor (C)
___ 15. Eye of the Needle (C)
___ 16. Third Whisker Warren (C)
___ 17. Fields of Grain (U)
___ 18. Carrion's Breath (C)

___ 19. Hunting Cabin (R)
___ 20. Imperial Messenger (U)
___ 21. Mystic (R)
___ 22. Pile of Stones (C)
___ 23. Watanabe Builders (C)
___ 24. Private Dojo (U)
___ 25. Master Sculptor (C)
___ 26. Shrine of the Moon (U)
___ 27. Shrine of the Sun (U)

___ 28. Dojo Raiden (R)
___ 29. Ch'tppu'kich (R)
___ 30. Hida Ishi (U)
___ 31. Hiruma Tatsuzo (R)
___ 32. Kaiu Tasuku (C)
___ 33. Hida Yagimaki (C)
___ 34. Yasuki Yukinaga (U)
___ 35. Konetsu (R)
___ 36. Daidoji Ekiken (C)

___ 37. Kakita Munemori (U)
___ 38. Kakita Yariga (C)
___ 39. Togashi Kansuke (C)
___ 40. Mirumoto Tachiyama (U)
___ 41. Tamori Tsukiro (C)
___ 42. Kjgkt (R)
___ 43. Matsu Masakado (C)
___ 44. Akodo Tsuri (U)
___ 45. Ikoma Kyuso (U)

___ 46. Kitsu Juri (R)
___ 47. Matsu Reishiko (C)
___ 48. Moshi Hinome (C)
___ 49. Tsuruchi Terao (C)
___ 50. Yoritomo Kalilea (U)
___ 51. Yoritomo Yoyonagi (R)
___ 52. Chaldera (R)
___ 53. Agasha Oshu (C)
___ 54. Agasha Yubisaki (U)

___ 55. Isawa Nodotai (exp) (R)
___ 56. Shiba Takeishi (C)
___ 57. Shiba Yoma (exp) (R)
___ 58. H-tach'ch (U)
___ 59. Bayushi Kaukatsu (exp) (R)
___ 60. Bayushi Sharaku (U)
___ 61. Bayushi Seiryo (C)
___ 62. Shosuro Miyo (C)
___ 63. Soshi Kiyo (exp) (R)

___ 64. Glick (C)
___ 65. Hitaka (U)
___ 66. Kokujin (exp2 Hitomi Kokujin) (R)
___ 67. Kyofu (exp Hida Kuroda) (R)
___ 68. Tsuno Sochi (C)
___ 69. Iuchi Huasha (U)
___ 70. Moto Sanpao (C)
___ 71. Moto Tsusung (U)
___ 72. Shinjo Rao (C)

___ 73. Shinjo Shono (exp2) (R)
___ 74. The Seppun Temples (R)
___ 75. Togashi's Shrine (R)
___ 76. A Champion's Strike (R)
___ 77. Armed and Ready (C)
___ 78. The Shadow's Claw (R)
___ 79. Beachhead (U)
___ 80. Bonds of Fate (C)
___ 81. Show of Good Faith (R)

___ 82. One Will Fall (U)
___ 83. Forgery (R)
___ 84. Let Courage Guide Me (U)
___ 85. Forward Guard (C)
___ 86. Fury ofthe Damned
(numbered 83, but should be 86) (U)
___ 87. The Anvil's Blessing (R)
___ 88. Hurricane Tattoo (U)
___ 89. Imperial Proclamation (C)
___ 90. Informant (R)

___ 91. Keen Eye (U)
___ 92. Scouting Maneuvers (U)
___ 93. A New Path (U)
___ 94. Now Face Me (U)
___ 95. Wear Him Down (U)
___ 96. Ambush Pits (C)
___ 97. Balance in Nothingness (U)
___ 98. Recruiting Drive (C)
___ 99. Legendary Strength (C)

___ 100. Snake Tattoo (U)
___ 101. Trickster Spirits (C)
___ 102. Strike At the Soul (U)
___ 103. Superior Swordplay (C)
___ 104. Tempting Kansen (U)
___ 105. Terror (U)
___ 106. Ogre Hordes (C)
___ 107. The Time Is Not Right (U)
___ 108. Tsuruchi Technique (C)

___ 109. Whispers (R)
___ 110. Words Cut Like Steel (R)
___ 111. Far and Wide (U)
___ 112. Tsuomu no Shiryo (R)
___ 113. Yokutsu no Shiryo (R)
___ 114. Denkyu no Shiryo (R)
___ 115. Wazinu no Yokai (R)
___ 116. Dark Eyes on the Wall (R)
___ 117. Hideo Spawn (U)

___ 118. Kirei (C)
___ 119. Kakita Instructor (R)
___ 120. Monkey Magistrates (U)
___ 121. Unicorn Striders (C)
___ 122. Omoidasu (C)
___ 123. Storm Legion (R)
___ 124. Lost Ashigaru (C)
___ 125. Traveling Ronin (R)
___ 126. Tsuno House Guard (R)

___ 127. Unquiet Spirits (R)
___ 128. Tsuruchi Hunters (C)
___ 129. Jester (R)
___ 130. Shahai's Fan (U)
___ 131. Dotanuki (C)
___ 132. Mirumoto's Haori (U)
___ 133. Footman's Yari (C)
___ 134. Kiseru (C)
___ 135. Shinjo Horsebow (C)

___ 136. Menhari-gata (R)
___ 137. "The Deathless" (U)
___ 138. Tsuno Blade (U)
___ 139. Precise Orders (R)
___ 140. Aid of the Fortunes (U)
___ 141. Consuming Darkness (R)
___ 142. Led Into Darkness (C)
___ 143. Playing With Madness (C)
___ 144. Purify (C)

___ 145. Arrow of Purity (C)
___ 146. Earthly Yearnings (U)
___ 147. Fires of the Phoenix (R)
___ 148. Perfect Attunement (R)
___ 149. Summon the Dead (R)
___ 150. Unraveling (C)
___ 151. Kakita Nakazo (F)
___ 152. Kyuden Doji (F)
___ 153. Hoshi Chuichi (F)

___ 154. Shiro Tamori (F)
___ 155. Yoritomo Komori (exp) (F)
___ 156. Kyuden Gotei (F)


Reprints from earlier sets in the Kyuden Doji starter:

___ Akodo Kaneka
___ Asahina Kimita (x2)
___ Block Supply Lines
___ Counterattack
___ Doji Yasuyo (x2)
___ Entrapping Terrain
___ Gifts and Favors
___ Hantei Naseru
___ Heavy Infantry

___ Iaijutsu Challenge
___ Iaijutsu Duel
___ Jade Works (x2)
___ Kabuki Theater Troupe
___ Light Infantry (x2)
___ Marketplace (x3)
___ Medium Infantry
___ Naginata
___ Rallying Cry

___ Ring of Earth
___ Sanctified Temple
___ Spearmen (x2)
___ Superior Tactics
___ The Hiruma Dojo
___ Toturi Sezaru
___ Toturi Tsudao
___ Yasuki Hachi


Reprints from earlier sets in the Shiro Tamori starter:

___ Akodo Kaneka
___ Block Supply lines
___ Contentious Terrain
___ Counterattack
___ Diversionary Tactics
___ Encircled Terrain
___ Facing Your Devils
___ Gifts and Favors
___ Gold Mine (x3)

___ Hantei Naseru
___ Heavy Infantry
___ Hummingbird Tattoo
___ Iaijutsu Challenge
___ Iaijutsu Duel
___ Jade Works (x2)
___ Kabuji Theater Troupe
___ Light Infantry (x2)
___ Medium Infantry

___ Mirumoto Daisuke (x2)
___ Mirumoto Rosanjin
___ Mountain Tattoo
___ Occult Murders
___ Rallying Cry
___ Ring of Water
___ Sanctified Temple
___ Superior Tactics
___ The Hiruma Dojo

___ Togashi Nyima (x2)
___ Toturi Sezaru
___ Toturi Tsudao


Reprints from earlier sets in the Kyuden Gotei starter:

___ Akodo Kaneka
___ Block Supply Lines
___ Charge
___ Confusion at Court
___ Counterattack
___ Gifts and Favors
___ Hantei Naseru
___ Heavy Infantry
___ Jade Works (x2)

___ Kabuki Theater Troupe
___ Kobune Port (x3)
___ Medium Infantry
___ Rallying Cry
___ Refugees
___ Ring of the Void
___ Sanctified Temple
___ Spearmen (x2)
___ Superior Tactics

___ Test of Might
___ The Hiruma Dojo
___ TYoturi Sezaru
___ Toturi Tsudao
___ Tsuruchi Hiro
___ Yoritomo Heishiro (x2)
___ Yoritomo Kitao (x2)


revised May 2, 2003

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Legends of the Five Rings CCG is copyright Alderac Entertainment Group and Wizards of the Coast.
Artwork is copyright by various artists who illustrated for Alderac Entertainment Group
or Wizards of the Coast.

Other art work, names, stories and ideas are copyright MountainView. Dragon logo by R. Stier.
Web design by Mirumoto Genji.