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Dragon Clan Letter #18

from the Imperial Herald

( vol.2, no.3 )


I return with startling news.

Rumors of my father's corruption are true. He has become the Dark Oracle of Fire, and it was his power that drove us from our mountain home. I watched as he destroyed four members of the Elemental Council. Hated enemies though they may be, they were not foes to be underestimated. If his power can easily lay such shugenja low, I am uncertain how we can defeat him.

During my escape, I encountered a tribe of Zokujin - the odd "copper goblins" who recently attacked our troops. Their tribe is called Zesh, and their shamans are strongly connected to the kami of earth. Driven to the surface by the Dark Oracle, the zokujin mistook our troops for Agasha Tamori's allies, for my father wears the mon of the Dragon Clan still. Only after the zokujin witnessed my escape from the Oracle did they realize that we are allies. The Zesh guided me to the surface, and have offered to share their knowledge of magic with the Tamori family. Though some would laugh at the idea of learning magic from such a primitive race, I believe that we cannot afford to reject this opportunity.
Did not Shinsei say that enlightenment is never found where it is sought?

As for our enemies in the Phoenix, I believe we have little to fear from them for the moment. They will hardly attack us while we hold an Elemental Master as our hostage.

Tamori Shaitung

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