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Kung Fu Elvis

by Lucas Twyman

(First Place - Las Vegas Kotei  May 2, 2004)

House of Tao with Voice of the King

Dynasty (40)

Wind: Voice of the King

Holdings (18 )
1x Gifts and Favors
3x Gold Mine
1x Grove of the Five Masters
3x Hiruma Dojo
1x Kyuden Tonbo
2x Shinmaki Monestary
1x Shrine to Bishamon
2x Shrine to Daikoku
1x Shrine to Ebisu
3x Shrine to the Eternal

Personalities (21)
3x Hitomi Daisetsu
2x Hitomi Kichi
1x Hoshi Chuichi
3x Hoshi Oki
1x Hoshi Wayan XP
1x Koto
3x Mirumoto Gonkuro
3x Mirumoto Kyuzo
3x Togashi Kansuke
1x Togashi Satsu XP

Regions (1)
1x Refuge of the Three Sisters

Fate (41)

Actions (23)
2x Balance in Nothingness
2x Battlefield of Shallow Graves
3x Control the Field
1x Egg of Pan-Ku
3x Heart of Rokugan
3x Spearhead
3x Strategic Crossroads
3x Tireless Assault
3x Well Prepared

Followers (5)
2x Kikage Zumi Initiates
3x Travelling Ronin

Kihos (11)
3x Chasing Osano-Wo
3x Flee the Darkness
2x Future is Unwritten
3x Palm Strike

Ring (1)
1x Ring of Water


Joining the Legion of the Dead: Isawa Tsuke.  Lucas's tournament report can be seen at "Selling Out in Vegas".

revised 11-22-2007

Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again!


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Legends of the Five Rings CCG is copyright Alderac Entertainment Group and Wizards of the Coast.
Artwork is copyright by various artists who illustrated for Alderac Entertainment Group
or Wizards of the Coast.

Other art work, names, stories and ideas are copyright MountainView. Dragon logo by Richard Stier.
Web design by Mirumoto Genji.

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