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Dragon Clan News

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December 14, 1999

Ambassador's Court added to links page. (Official Clan Website home pages)

December 1st, 1999

Journey's End

"Yours is the darkest path.  Walk it with care.  More rests on your shoulders than you know."  

Togashi Yokuni to Mirumoto Hitomi on the Day of Thunder

With those parting words Hitomi continued toward her destiny. She has journeyed through this lonely road, overcoming ridicule, slander, doubt and mortal risk. Personal honor, friends, family and happiness were all sacrificed for her mission. Why? Difficult to explain. Perhaps it will never be truly understood. What is known is that she lent her strength to the Dragon in time of great need, risking everything for the future of both the Dragon Clan and for Rokugan.

Triumphant over Lord Moon, she now will complete her quest - to free herself from the earthly bonds of the flesh now that her task in this world has concluded. The Obsidian Hand and her link to Togashi gave her great power, but also bound her to The Time of Legends. She knows that for the Age of Man to begin, the Time of Legends has to end. More than mortal, yet less than a god, she yearns for the end of her weariness. To rest. To be with her beloved brother Satsu, her favorite uncle Gaijutsu and her kami Togashi.

One more duty before rest. Seppuku. Though she is preparing herself for this last ritual, she is now in need for a second to guard against dishonor. Traditionally, she would choose but since she affected so many lives others will have input in the choice. That's the trouble with being champion; everyone thinks that they can do better. Who will it be? Who should it be? The answer will be found at various Strike at Midnight tournaments held at Legends of the Five Rings Strongholds stores in February 18 - 20, 2000.

November 21st, 1999

Ambition's Debt rule book story posted with comments. The 3 main Dragon groups (Dragons in Black, the Kitsuki and MIST) are working together to piece together the identities of the Kolats in Rokugan.

October 30th, 1999

Shugenja Reinforcement Arrives From the Togashi

News comes from our Togashi brethren that they will be sending a new shugenja to help our cause.

Togashi Shinseken will serve with no family honor requirements, costs 4 Gold and has a personal honor of 2. He has 0 Force, 3 Chi and will Not join a Phoenix player.

As an Open action, he may bow to remove the Calvary trait from a card until the end of the turn.

When asked why he won't join the Phoenix clan, this is what he had to say - "The Agasha have abandoned their duty and their disgrace shall not be forgotten. If I must remind them one by one of the price of betrayal, the the Dragon mountains will run with Phoenix blood."

October 27th, 1999

Son of Togashi Returns to Dragon Clan

Hoshi returns to us in Ambition's Debt. After spending a year with the Shinsei monks, he rejoins us as our daimyo. The year spent away was quite a learning experience in the ways of the world and mortal men. New abilities include:


We also get another basic personality as a reward for our efforts over the last year. Tombo Toryu is a 1 force, 2 Chi, 2 personal honor Samurai who is a good value for 3 gold. Also he has both Samurai and Shugenja abilities - good for using cards such as Stand or Run, Hitomi Technique, Slap the Wave or being able the defend against Night Battle.


The most interesting cards in Ambition's Debt are the new Events.

October 20th, 1999

A preview of Ambition's Debt artwork can be seen on the Wizards of the Coast website.

There is a 2 picture sequence commemorating Hitomi's duel with Lord Moon which takes place at the Refuge of the Three Sisters. The first one shows the start of the duel. The second shows the final result.

Hitomi, being the thoughtful samurai, graciously gave back Lord Moon's Hand, Blood and Bone --- enough to win over him. Unfortunately she was recently at war with the Naga and was a little out of practice with respect to etiquette --- her manners may have been a little rough for Lord Moon's taste. After his claim to Rokugan was Voided by Takao, Lord Moon was so upset that he lost his head.

October 6th, 1999

Say It Isn't So ... Yoshi ... that you aren't ... gasp ... a ... Kolat! ....

Recent investigation by MIST (Mirumoto Intelligence Strike Team) has revealed that Yoshi, formerly known as Togashi Hoshi, is a suspected Kolat.

This ominous news was discovered in the recent issue of Duelist magazine in the Magic the Gathering Mercadian Masques Player's Guide (volume 6, issue 10) on page 102. Another suspected Kolat associate include Bayushi Aramasu (page 103) of the Mantis Clan. He was formerly of the Scorpion Clan before their trip into the Burning Sands.

This is grave news indeed. MIST will be sharing information with the Kitsuki for further investigation. Mirumoto Sukune already has been briefed about the situation.

Our Champion Hoshi should also also be informed ... or should he be? Did he know about Yoshi before they came back from the Brotherhood of Shinsei? We'll request that Kitsuki Yasu investigate. While these investigations are proceeding, some more immediate action must be taken. This is after all, the Age of Man. When a threat is too dangerous to ignore there's only one solution. Call in the Dragons in Black.

October 4th, 1999

Review of Imperial Herald Issue #12  (Legends of the Five Rings section)

October 3rd, 1999

Yoritomo Lives!

New information from Hitomi Kagetora on the Dragon Clan mailing list #457 indicates that "Yoritomo's Funeral" is vaporware / doesn't exist. Didn't think it would be that easy for the Phoenix to get rid of "Da Man". See updated Ambition's Debt spoiler list.

October 2, 1999

4th hand  Ambition's Debt spoiler list (from the Dragon Clan mailing list #456)

Not on the list? Go to the Mountain Keep of the Dragon for instructions.

mid September 1999


The Dragon Clan mailing list has separated into 2 groups and we are all diminished because of it. Like the Agasha and the Togashi, the Honorable Dragon Movement has left stating that they had their own reasons for doing so (so the list wouldn't have Flame Wars or something to that effect). They made their own, separate list and claim that it has no effect on the main, former HDM list.

They are mistaken. Posts to the list are fewer and there is a relative lack of vitality as compared to the past.Yes there is peace, but the lack of fervor has made it much less entertaining to read. Some of the best and most accomplished writers no longer contribute regularly to the Dragon Clan mailing list.

What can be done? Probably not a lot in the short term. Given time, some may return as their feelings and souls have time to recover from recent wounds. Long term, there is a need for the average Dragon to delurk and contribute ideas, effort and time to raise our clan to its former glory.

Why does the Dragon Clan Mailing List exist? What is it's purpose? To help the Dragon better understand itself, here is a list of proposed reasons for the Dragon Clan Mailing List:

With Uso's Golden Sword, remember the Golden Rule: Do onto others as you would like others to do to you. In the final analysis our clan is what we make of it.

Mirumoto Tung, Lieutenant 1st Mirumoto Dragoons

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revised July 23, 2000


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Legends of the Five Rings CCG and the names of some characters are copyright of the Five Rings Publishing Group and Wizards of the Coast.

Artwork is copyright by various artists who illustrated for Wizards of the Coast.

Other names, stories and ideas are copyright MountainView. Dragon logo by R. Stier.