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Dragon News Archive 2003 1st Quarter

March 30, 2003

Satsu was a man ... err ... a dragon-man ... and more ...

See his image at South Empire.

March 29, 2003

Saturday Preview

March 28, 2003

New Preview

March 24, 2003

The Forgotten Legion - Test of Steel Storyline Tournament

Mirumoto Shokan (Rob Bowman) came in first place this weekend. The Dragon Clan will have
a personality selected as the spiritual heir of Toturi's legacy by the Wolf Legion. Tis personality
shall receive the Wolf Legion's pledge of loyalty for their family and clan. Players who went to
the tournament commented that they had a good time. Here's a "tongue-in-cheek" tribute to Rob.

Go Mirumoto!

March 16, 2003

York Pennsylvania Tournament Report

Isawa Cody finished first in this tournament and filed his report on Deathseeker. It's nice to
hear some of the L5R players at Brave New Worlds (Jenkintown, PA) mentioned. The best
time to meet for L5R is Thursday nights after 7:00 p.m. Jenkintown is about 15 minutes
from Philadelphia on 611 (Old York Road).

March 15, 2003

More Previews - Heaven and Earth

Fits in military and dueling decks.

A little card drawing is good, more is better.

March 10, 2003

First Round of Previews for Heaven and Earth Begins

Alderac has started the one a day previews for the new Heaven and Earth expansion set for L5R.

March 5, 2003

New Promo Card from Heaven and Earth

A scan of the promo from Heaven and Earth is available at "The Beloved Lady of the Sun!"

Mysterious Dragon Samurai-ko?

Is the Dragon Clan destined for better personalities in Heaven and Earth?  See for yourself at
Christopher Appel's portfolio.

Reveals the transition between the old Dragon leadership to the new generation. Kokujin's role
contines to be contraversial - is he an evil genius or is he just a madman. The Dragon way is to
have a role for both viewpoints.

February 1, 2003

Mitsu, Kaulung and Matsuo use an earthquake as a diversion as they go beneath Shiro Heichi
to find Kokujin. Roasajin is left behind to slow down the globlins searching for them.

Kokijin's prisoners are freed by Matsuo using Togashi's Daisho to cut their chains. Satsu
becomes aware of his true heritage upon touching Togashi's swords. Chieko is moved to safety
by Matsuo during the fight. Unable to use Chieko to complete his katana, Kokujin settles for
Kobai, who dies a final death on the Anvil of Despair. With his Daisho set completed, Kokujin
summons the First Oni using Fu Leng's true name.

The final chapter of the story will be told in part 7.

Togashi Hoshi asks Mitsu to take Matsuo on as a student. At first Mitsu refuses, saying that
he is done with blindly following Hoshi. Mitsu accepts only when it is revealed that Matsuo
is a Tamashii - a gifted individual born with extraordinary self-control. More Dragon secrets
are revealed including the the truth about Togashi's longitivity.

Mitsu and Kaelung travel to the Shadowlands to rescue Satsu, Chieko and Hogai. They are
joined by Rosajin and Matsuo as they approach Shiro Heichi,, the former home of the Boar

January 4, 2003

The saga continues with more history on Togashi Yoshune, his childhood and the name change to
Satsu at his gempukku. Togashi Matsuo discovers the Boar Clan's secret along with knowledge
about the First Oni and the Anvil of Despair.

The first meeting between Satsu and Tamori Chieko is covered.

The transformation of Hida Hogai from the Crab Ambassador to Lady Moon's kikage zumi is
revealed. Find out about how the strange pairing of Satsu and Hogai came to be.

Will Kaelung,, Togashi Mitsu and Hitomi Wayan be able to save Satsu and his comrades?
Stay tuned and find out in the next installment of Enlightened Madness.

Dragon Clan Chat has been having server problems.  Hitomi Hokosaki assures us that his techno
geeks are working on the problem....

January 1, 2003

Imperial Herald 2.6

The latest Imperial Herald has been shipped. Two copies of Benefits of Experiance are included.



revised October 24, 2003

Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again!


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Legends of the Five Rings CCG is copyright Alderac Entertainment Group and Wizards of the Coast.
Artwork is copyright by various artists who illustrated for Alderac Entertainment Group
or Wizards of the Coast.

Other art work, names, stories and ideas are copyright MountainView. Dragon logo by R. Stier.
Web design by Mirumoto Genji.