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Dragon News Archive 2003 4th Quarter

November 26, 2003

Imperial Herald vol. 2 no. 10

The newest Imperial Herald has arrived.


promotional card included with Imperial Herald vol. 2, no. 10.


Reign of Blood Previews

Reign of Blood is the next expansion set for L5R. Officially sanctioned review sites are
listed in the links section.  Look for the icon.


October 4, 2003

Imperial Herald vol. 2 no.9

Has Iuchiban on the front cover. Discusses the different emphasis of each of the clans
in Diamond Edition. Kitsuki Tadashi gets some story time from Shawn Carmen in
"The Golden Tower".

Promo card is "Defensive Screen".
Battle: Target one of your bowed or unbowed Personalities in the current battle. Send all
other units in your army home without bowing.

"Stand back, sons of the Lion," Kurohito commanded, stepping into crossroads
of Toshi Ranbo. "I face a more deadly foe than you today."

Three foil "Defensive Screen" cards were included with the Imperial Herald. It is a Battle
Action costing 0 to use with a Focus value of 4.


Southern California GenCon 2003


September 28, 2003


The latest Friday night story is by Shawn Carman titled "Legacy".


Temoru Finally Makes it Home

Mirumoto Temoru survived a last minute attack by bandits to finally return home after being
away for two years searching for the solution to Isawa's Last Wish. Temoru's findings were
presented to Mirumoto Uso who immediately ordered new research into the newfound city.

Isawa is revealed to be a Yobanjin originating from a settlement known as the City of Gold.
Temoru found Isawa's origins during his search for a solution to neutralize the Last Wish.

It is now known to the Dragon that the Last Wish is a living entity and that it was not unique.
The basic nature of nemuranai is also known to far different than commonly thought.  The
Dragon now believe that nemuranai are alive and could pose a potential threat to the empire.
Thus the new emphasis on collecting and destroying these artifacts.

Mirumoto Uso knew that the other clans would not readily accept the new knowledge about
nemuranai and thus kept Temoru's discovery quiet. Also, the Dragon had just concluded a
rancorous war with the Phoenix clan and did not want the Phoenix to claim the City of Gold
as a province of the Isawa.


Uso Assassinated!

An assassin has claimed the life of the Mirumoto daimyo. The attack took place at night while Mirumoto Uso was alone. Preliminary reports indicate that Uso was able to detect his assailant and valiantly defended himself from the ninja before succumbing. In his will, Uso named Mirumoto Rosanjin as his successor since he had no heirs of his own. Rosanjin's promotion was accepted by the Dragon Champion Togashi Satsu.

One of Rosanjin's first act was to recognize the loyalty and unfair burdens placed on Mirumoto Kenzo, the son of the disgraced Mirumoto Junnosuke. Rosanjin promoted Kenzo to gunso and given two dozen men for him to command. He was assigned to travel to The City of Gold to inform Mirumoto Temoru of Uso's death. Implied with new position and orders was the stipulation to locate and destroy any nemuranai in Rokugan.

September 5, 2003

Web Site Blues

Recently Angelfire has started to place pop-up banners on all it's free web sites. These new
pop-ups are designed so that there's no easy way of closing them. Clicking on any part of
the ad directs you to the advertiser. I've opted in the past to have the advertising at the top
and bottom of these pages because that makes it easier to format the page. Unfortunately
these new ads don't work very well with web pages using frames.

As a temporary measure, I'll try leaving a blank space where the new banners show up so
that you can read the pages. Older pages will be left as they were due to the huge effort it
would take to rewrite the last few years worth of code. Apologies in advance if older pages
are now unreadable.

Possible solutions to this problem include:
- hoping Angelfire / Lycos will fix the bug affecting frames
- paying to remove the advertisement
- moving to another host site
- asking people to use browsers that block pop-up advertising

The first option is best but it's uncertain when Angelfire / Lycos will get around to fixing it.
The second option is exactly what every free hosting site wants you to do when the ads get
 annoying enough. The difficulty is that this site is a hobby done for fun and funding can
 become a problem. I don't have the time or inclination to go into business just to pay for
 this site. Remember, this is a Mirumoto site, not a Unicorn or Yasuki one.
Moving to another free hosting site always looks attractive at first until you realize that it's
 a lot of work and that this same situation can occur again if the host's finances are tight.
Using a pop-up browser may be an option but many people either aren't technically able
 to install one OR they're not allowed to change the browser if they don't own the computer.

The answer to this riddle will be meditated upon; for the time being expect to see funky
formatting as a quick fix.

Mirumoto Genji


revised September 28, 2003

Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again!


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Legends of the Five Rings CCG is copyright Alderac Entertainment Group and Wizards of the Coast.
Artwork is copyright by various artists who illustrated for Alderac Entertainment Group
or Wizards of the Coast.

Other art work, names, stories and ideas are copyright MountainView. Dragon logo by R. Stier.
Web design by Mirumoto Genji.