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Full Name: Sarah Michelle Gellar
Sign: Pisces
Hobbies: Tae Kwon Do,Rollobladnig and all the outdoors stuff.
Hates: Meatloaf
Random Fact: She has brown belt in Tae Kwon Do
Birthplace: New York
Siblings: None (she is the only child)
Fave Color: Red
Tattoo: Yes on her ankle it is chinese character that means "Integrity"


Those are just some of the things about amazing Sarah.


Sarah Michelle Gellar was first discovered at age 4 while eating in a resturant.Her first commercial was a Burger King which soon lead to more commercials.She lived with her mother,Rosselen,in New York(her father left the family).Sarah has stated that her father is a nonexisting person in her life.She is the only child and she conciders her self very hard working.

After a long time of being in small movie roles & tv shows,Sarah's BIG break arrived as she became Kendall Heart on the Soap Opera sitcom,"All My Children" playing a character seven years older than her age .This is what Sarah said about playing Kendall: ""That was definetly head-trippy to be 16 and heave these love scenes with a man old enough to be my father.I mean I was married twice [on the show] and I hadn't even graduated from high school yet"".Not long after Sarah left "All My Children" to persue bigger and better things in Hollywood.But even with Daytime Emmy under her arm she found that door to fame didn't exactly fly open.""You can be very popular in soap world ,than you go to real world and no one knows who you are"",explains Sarah.""Up until I got Buffy casting directors were like ,Oh she's not ready she's too green;she's too soap"".

Well seems like Sarah sucedeed after all,huh?.After her long,rough road on Buffy's Season 1,Sarah's fame grew LARGE. Buffy the Vampire Slayer's second season became the rebirth of Sarah's Fame.

Next on her road to fame,was one of Sarah's best roles.She thrilled us as the Scream Queen:Helen Shivers in I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER. Hre performance was extremly excellent,& won her 2 awards.1 award in the Blockbuster Entertainment Awards:Best Supporting Actress in a horror Movie & another in the MTV movie Awards.

Her next role came less than a month later as Cici Collins in Scream 2..Although only a Cameo in the movie,Sarah still did her best.This performance gave her pics on the cover of Rolling Stone with the other scream queens.

Her 2 next movies were so far from each other in diffrence it even confused me.First Sarah gave us the tinggles in her Romantic Comedy, Simply Irresistable as Amanda.Although this film got rough reviews,i loved it.She was wonderful.& her next movie was EXTREMLEY wonderful... Cruel Intentions as Kathryn Mertuil.This was a wonderful turnout for Sarah..Ratings were high,The movie was wonderfully EVIL..It was great.

As for Sarah's 1999 Summer vacation..No she wasn't making movies,but doing something better..Helping the less fortunate,in Dominican Republic for the "Habitat for Humanity".She not only contributed money,but actually worked w/ her bare hands.This was a beautiful turnout..This made many realise how caring Sarah really is..We all love her..

As for now,Sarah has continued into her 4th Season of Buffy & in my opinion she looks wonderful!I just have to wish her luck,& say that i will always support her.



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