Shadow O's Slashings

At this point, there isn't much to this section. But feel free to read it (and offer feedback...!), and as soon as I compile, retype, and wrest from the whiny hands of Priestess Ashkta the Lawrence/Mikylaa stories I lost in the Computer Crash, I'll expand...and KEEP expanding. Till then, here's a little bit of nothing to satisfy your craving!!

Click on the image on the left to learn more about Shadow Omega--her past, present, and future as a struggling manga character!

And if you're interested, I have a Slash Support Group mailing list started up at! If you're interested, check it out here!!

Read My Guestbook! | Sign My Guestbook!


A love angst inspired but improbable retelling of a classic movie which takes broad liberties with X-Files mythology...finally finished!!!

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5


A promising beginning to a delicious little X-files/The Usual Suspects crossover which has been haunting my thoughts lately. So what happens when Alex Krycek meets Keyser Soze? If you've ever wondered, prepare to find out...!

Round 1--The Unexpected Guest

Round 2--Striking a Deal

Round 3--Kiss Me Idle

Round 4--A Lesson Before Rebirth

Round 5--Putting a Rat in His Place

This story is in was only born a couple of days ago, when my computer crashed and I had nothing but a pencil, a notebook, and my imagination to keep me company. Now my computer is back, and hopefully I can finish this little gem before my nerve wears off!

a thousand ships

Not slash, not even fan fiction! This is my real, honest-to-goodness novel. I'd like to have people read it. Site also includes a soundtrack and the endlessly amusing 'Diary of a Writer'...

go read a thousand ships

Well, arigato!

Copyright 1999 WebHarlot