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ariane's eating-disorders & self-injury page!

This webpage is dedicated to eating disorders (ED) and self injury (SI). If you are a sufferer, a family member or a friend of a sufferer, you came to the right place. If what you are looking for is basic information, I have links to such. But this page deals with the things that the doctors do not explain. This is a page about your feelings as SI or ED. I will try to make friends and family a little more aware, not of the risks and symptoms, but of the emotions. Step inside...

Eating disorders:
What you thought you knew, and is actually a big lie The general profile
Indications of an eating disorder or: What *NEVER* to say to a person with an eating disorder
What you should say and do You may never fully understand this, dear friends and family members, but I can try to bring you closer...
The reasons and explanations to the ED behaviors My life with eating disorders
ED songs Dedicated to all the men and women who have died at the hands of an eating disorder

Self Injury:
Don't believe the prejudice And other thing you should never say to a self harmer
The question of all questions... My experience, thoughts and feelings
songs and quotes about self injury take my poll (NEW)
It's ok to laugh about it

And a few other things:
chat for support
Why is it that so many people have both these conditions? self acceptance
All poems related in some way to ED or SI Written by me, about these disorders
For information and support Written by Cynthia Lynn Seibold
Webrings An Award

contact me through e-mail!

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