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Some Reasons Why The Son of GOD Came To This Earth

For our sake He made him to be sin , who knew no sin , so that in Him , we might become the rightousness of God .
2COR 5 :21
And you will seek me, and find me , when you search for me with all your heart.
Ask , and it will be given to you ; seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you.
Those who become Christians become new persons. They are not the same anymore, for the old life is gone ,a new life has begun!
2COR 5:17
If you want to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior now , just pray this simple prayer , believing with all your heart: Father in Heaven , I am a sinner that needs your forgiving. In the name of Jesus and the blood that he shedd in calvary on the cross, I surrender my life to you. For all that He is , I ask that you forgive me my sins , and write my name , in the book of life.
I surrender my heart to you , come into my life , I give you my life , like you gave yours in calvary for me. In Jesus name I pray . Amen !
If you pray this prayer in true heart,,WELCOME.. you are now a new born Christian.
You are not alone, He is with us every day. Look for him everyday. We were made to fellowship with him . From Now on you won't be the same.

Like in the days of Noah's, so it is now.



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