BSW ebonics

This is the pimptionary section of my chapel. I will update this page until I get to the Z. Learn these words and use it wisely.

A'Aiht (Alright)
1.A positive response to a question. 2.A varification that others understand a question. Syn: I can dig it
Example: Pimp: Yo bitch, get yo' nappy ass over to Tyrones
and Ho me some money, A'Aiht?
Ho: A'Aiht.

ace boon coon ( also A.B.C.)
one's best and most dependable friend. Typically said about a [male] black's best male friend .Syn: EBONY
Example: Why you dissin me? I thought you were my ace boon coon?

a bitch that is a nigger and acts like she gives up the pussy but ain't does shit
Example: That afratease ova dar is a fuckin beotch.

1.a Negro who behaves like or aspires to be like Caucasians. Syn: OREO 2.also, a Caucasian who behaves like or aspires to be like Negroes. Syn: NIGGER-LOVER
Example: Vanilla Ice is an Afro-Saxon

air someone's ass out
to shoot someone, as in to fill him with holes so that his lungs are ruptured. Syn: POP A CAP
Example: If dat mo-fo gives me shit, I's gonna air his ass out.

1. the rectum, anus, or posteriors. Syn: BOODY 2. a fool; an oaf. Syn: DICK-HEAD
Example: Piss me off and you'll have a kicked ass!

assed out
extreamly high or intoxicated. Syn: FUCKED UP
Example: I wuz assed out on coke all last night

assing up
getting intoxicated Syn: GETTING HIGH
Example: Yo, man, we was assin' up last night on the best coke I ever had!

in the condition of being a fool/small time Syn: FOO'LISH
Example: Yo, that ugly skank ho o'er dere is assy. I wouldn't
do her for all the Jack Daniels in Tennesee.

an artificial penis. Syn: DILDO
Example: Biznatch, you bes' be gettin' yoself an auger, cuz dat shit be too loose fo even my cockasaurus!
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aunt pollys
very very small testicles Syn: TINY TOTS
Example: Geez, yo ant pollys are smaller than chick pees

pidgin for "ask." Syn: "Last chance before a Pimp Slap, Bitch"
Example: Don't make me ax you again, Bitch

to refer to someones knowledge Syn: ASKING
Example: I was axing this guy bout his wife...