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Uncrowned Queens

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Yeah that's my soror she just came from the motherland.
Not only is that sister my soror, she's my sands
That woman too.... The one with the long straight pretty hair
That's my soror she speaks Spanish, her skin is fair.
You hear her talk, but you may not understand
Its 'cause she speaks Creole, she's Haitain, that's my sands.
You hear the lady with the accent, Gracefully dancing folklore
She's Jamaican that's my Sor.
That woman with the strong African features
The beautiful mouth, that's my soror, she's from the south.
My sorors are from all over the world.
Not the reflection of just one girl
I'll tell you one thing more
And that is that, I am grateful for the enlightening culture of my soror.


Alpha Beta Sigma to thine I shall be true.
To the white, the navy, and oh no, let's not forget the sky blue
To this realm I've entered
I claim as my own
For only a true Queen could claim Beta as her throne
Ignorance and Arrogance I shall chalk up to a fool
Beautiful, Brilliant, Beta's know better than to chalk up education to school
Through enlightenment, I shall educate those within my rounds
For those I come in contact with shall forever be impressioned by the Beta crown
These things that I proclaim, is just so you will know
That it takes a strong woman to be a Beta woman,so
To all my sorors (present & future) when life gets you down and you're about ready to give people the boot
Hold your head up and remember not only are you a Beta, but you're TooooooooooooooooooooooooooooCute!


It was my first time on the yard hearing calls of ALPHA to OMEGA
I was "In Search of Sisterhood" but not from DELTA SIGMA THETA
SKEEWEE and EE-II-KEE were not for me
Not an
AKA or a ZETA did I yearn to be
My interest I know was not in
But toward the illumination in the SKY my heart would go
As I searched for something that was not there
to create and originate..would I really dare.
It was then that I saw that I was not alone.
Ten women together, we took the journey to our BETA thrown
Now I know that when I heard the calls of
ALPHA to OMEGA that they lacked the best of calls
and thats the TooooCute of a BETA

Family Forever
Sisters for Life
I am my sisters' keeper
And do you want to know why?
It's because it was, is, and always will be my sister to have my back
Because it was, is, and always will be my sister to have my front
From my needs to my wants
No question unanswered
No needs unmet
And when things mean alot
No, she'll never forget
From my shoelace to appointments
Whether it be big or small
Little things mean alot
And she remembers them all
That's why I am my sisters' keeper
So don't ever again ask why
And I'll be my sisters' keeper
Until the day that I die

When women see me, they stare in envy
At my confidence, humbleness, and how I am treated with nobility
They role their eyes and suck their teeth; jealous of my integrity
So I tap them on the shoulder and ask,"Why so cruel?"
They say they do not like my conceited ways and that I'm far from cool
I say my sister; I mean no disrespect, not trying to be rude
But what you construe as conceit, is simply my Betatude

When men see me they stare, open mouth, flush in the face
Not because of my outfit, or my body, or my face
It's because the confidence in my stride as I walk with grace
When they approach me they say Hotep sister, how do you do?
Don't mean to hold you up,but I have to say you soothes!!
To my brother I say
Thank you, but it's more than just my aura, it's my Betatude

When others put me down and I continue to thrive
It's due to my trust in God; I let God be my guide
But when you see me in your neighborhood, to neighbors and myself being true
No need to question what it is
Cause it's my BETATUDE

In seven days and seven nights
God created something that was so right
God created something that was so true
He took from the evening sky
And gave it NAVY BLUE
God created something more original in design than me and you
That God robbed the clouds and gave it SKY BLUE
God created something so divine
That God stripped the day and gave it WHITE
God created something so complete and so right
When God was finished, God said let their be LIGHT!
What God created you should by now have figured
Is none other than a woman called