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The Armchair Researcher

He sits alone. The light from the moniter casts a faint glow over his face. Idiots, he remarks to himself, as he combs through another website, or newsgroup posting as the case may be. How can people be so naive? he wonders. The stupidity of the population at large astounds him. It is all so clear to him, the vast conspiracy, or the lack there-of, depending on which side of the fence he stands. In truth, the side doesn't matter, there are many like him, each with their own perspective, each correct. He is right, and woe to those who would challenge his beliefs. Objecting viewpoints belong only to the ignorant.

He has researched the topic. He has spent many a night exploring the internet. He has seen many television specials on the subject. He has read a book. He has taken the pieces and assembled them in such a way that there is no way he could be incorrect. Now it is his duty, as an expert in the subject, to regein above all, despensing his wisdom to the less-enlightened.

He stares at the monitor, contented with what he has accomplished. After all, one of the great enigmas of our time has become crystal clear to him. Someday he assures himself I will visit the area for myself, and see that I am right.