James Wade Lamb, Jr. was born on June 3,1988 in The Woodlands, Texas. It was the most exciting day of our lives! It was also the most traumatic day of our lives. Our baby was a week overdue and I went in for a stress test to see why. My doctor ended up saying that they needed to do an emergency C-section. The next thing I knew, I was in surgery having my baby! When they woke me up they told me I had a new baby boy, but that there was a problem. Jamie had Spina Bifida. He would never walk, probably not be able to control his bowel or bladder functions, and would more than likely need a lot of surgeries. They brought him in to me and let me see him for a few seconds and then whisked him off to Texas Children's Hospital, 50 miles away. His dad went with him, and this happened to be the same day as his Aunt Sydney's high school graduation, so his Grandma had to leave also. Being a new and very worried mommy, I sat alone in the hospital wondering what was happening. Little did I know, Jamie was already going to undergo his very first surgery at less than 24 hours old. The next day, mommy was becoming very depressed, so dad and Aunt Sydney went to the hospital chapel and hooked up a camera so I could see them on the TV in my room. They danced around, sang silly songs and really made fools of themselves, all to make mommy laugh, it worked! They were so sweet!
Well, that was almost 14 years ago, and most things the doctors told us when Jamie was born are true. He does have to use a wheelchair, but he can go faster than most other kids can on their feet! He has had 21 surgeries so far, three were even just about 14 hours long! But none of that stops him from being just a regular 'ol kid. He is in jr. high school and he does have a learning disorder called Non Verbal Learning Disorder & Processing Disorders. Right now his favorite music is Backstreet Boys, Arron Carter, NSync and believe it or not Queen (he knows every word to every song they ever played.) His favorite thing to do is talk to Randi. He met her at Spina Bifida camp last summer, she's the best thing that ever happened to him! The hard part is, we are in Nevada and she is in Nebraska. He can't wait for camp again so that he can see her. Sure, there are some things that Jamie physically cannot do, but look at what he can do! He is truly an amazing young man!!!!! His dad and I are so very proud of him and we are sure that he is going to become a very important person to the rest of the world in his adult life. We couldn't ask for anything more.
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Favorite Links and Spina Bifida info
Jamie's Face Place
Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder (Our extended family)
JamieWorld on AOL
Meet the Lamb Family...c'mon in
Children with Spina Bifida (a must for new parents)
Spina Bifida Association of America home page
The Foucart Family Homepage - Come meet Jack & Jessie
Planet Zachary
Spina Bifida Mobility Aides & Surgical Interventions
Latex Allergy Help
Nonverbal Learning Disorder
SB Parents Bookmarks - more informational links than you could dream of