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These are groups that are actually trying to start brand new countries.
Also, not all new country projects last.
Most recent additions/corrections: 26 September 2015.
This project is described as "a micronation with territories and citizens right across the globe, such as in Melbourne, Australia and Surakarta (Solo), Indonesia."
UPDATE: As of 30 June 2004, this project has been reorganized as Westarctica. WARNING: It has been reported that passports for the "Achaean Territory" have been made available for sale in Kenya. THESE ARE ALL COUNTERFEIT AND THE PEOPLE SELLING THEM ARE FRAUDS! If you have been offered one for sale, or have purchased one in Kenya, please contact the Kenya Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
African American Sovereignty
Nation of ALTERIA
At the request of this project's organizers, this listing has been moved to Micronations and Model Countries. "The Empire of Angyalistan (French: Empire d’Angyalistan) is a micronation founded on January 31, 1999, and whose sovereignty was proclaimed on October 7, 2000. It extends its territory along the horizon ; it claims too since October 2012 garbage patches in international waters (North and South Pacific, North and South Atlantic, Indian Ocean), with the aim of making disappear this physical territory. For practical reasons, the people of Angyalistan live in exile and the empire is administered from its permanent territorialized embassy to the European Union, located in France near Paris. The Empire of Angyalistan is an absolute monarchy, considering itself as a performative pantopia: this means that the mere fact of stating the principles of the Basic Law of the Empire is sufficient to achieve them. Any reader of the Basic Law itself contributes to its materiality. - from an e-mail by HIM Olivier, Emperor of Angyalistan NOTICE: As of 27 May 2009, this website's domain is for sale. Any information about this project will be welcome. A rather idealistic project that involves lunar colonization.
ATLANTIS Project (See OCEANIA: THE ATLANTIS PROJECT) "The Empire of Atlantium is a primarily non-territorial state with an immanent, virtual global sovereignty. The purpose of Atlantium is to provide a functioning model "future state" based on these ideas which, in time, can absorb and supercede existing state forms. "Sovereign Princedom of Ausland is a virtual state formation proclaimed by the Convention "On the Rights and Duties of States", and is the subject of international law. Sovereign Princedom Ausland is extraterritorially and has no territorial or any other claims to any of the existing states of the world, as recognized and self-proclaimed. Sovereign Princedom of Ausland is a legal and cultural autarchy, unitary and self-sufficient." - from an e-mail by HSH Prince Andrew of Ausland
What began as a model country project in 1977 has grown into a serious project to establish a sovereign nation.
"Bouvet Island is a proclaimed republic since 1964. The state is presided by Mike Morton. Existence of living habitants on Bouvet Island is revealed to the world in 2011 and became Bouvet Islands. The government started a big program, the Bouvet Ambassador Program, to get an international recognition. This Program aims to find new ambassadors for the bouvet islands in the world. Mike Morton has been to France, Indonesia and Japan to promote his country." - from an e-mail by Mike Morton Not a micronation, but a sovereignty project. "Byzantium Novum is a historical based micronation, dedicated to the rebirth of Byzantine sovereignty and culture. We are claiming limited sovereignty and are seriously working on obtaining real-world property. Our goal is to reestablish as much of Byzantine civilization as is possible in the modern world." - from an e-mail by Senator Marcus Cassius Julianus This appears to be one of several self-proclaimed states within Australia, affiliated with Reclaim Australia. If anyone has further information on these groups, and this movement, it will be more than welcome.
"We are attempting to build a kingdom on the barren plain of the California Valley, a kingdom which will be completely self-reliant and independent of the United States, by which it is completely surrounded. As a nation, we do not seek, nor desire, a formal recognition of our sovereignty. We own, control, and are developing the land: therefore we already exercise sovereignty, and that's good enough for us." - from an e-mail from Travis McHenry aka His Majesty, Montague I, King of Calsahara, Prince of Rhye and Bohemia, Duke of Chutney and Hazard, Count of Monte Cristo and Sandwich, Baron of Bastanchury, Brandenburg, and Biscuit, Dey of the Desert, Laird of the Wombassels, Sire of Hesse, Thane of Condor, Warden of the Marshes, Viceroy of Goose Island, Protector of Westarctica, Protector of Cynthia's Dynasty, Pretender to the throne of England, Grand Knight Commander of the Royal Order of The Desert Heart, Grand Thespian of the Illustrious Order of Thespians, General of the Legion of Peace, and Master of the Universe
Principality of CAMESIDE
"The United Nations of Catan was set up by His Majesty Prince James Klaassen-White I (King) with the help of then constituational government Carr Era. Over the years the UN of Catan has simply expanded, now looking to take over a island of the east coast of Tanzania. The island would be perfect for the enviromental and ethical of ownership of official state land." - from the website
Plans for establishing a nation state have been abandoned for now. The organizers of this project are putting their effort into a model country project; "Aryan National Socialist Empire". The flag is posted above, net to the old Celestial Empire flag. The website for the project, as of 23 July 2007, is no longer functioning.
"Citizens of the Colonial Alliance and its colonies are Egalitarians, Anti-Capitalists, Socialists and some say Anarchists. Colonial citizens believe that all individuals should be absolute equals regardless of social standing and their differences, these being the basis for Egalitarianism. Citizens are Anti-Capitalists because the citizens as a society reject the greed and corruption that is often inherent with capitalism. Citizens of the Alliance are somewhat Anarchists because we reject any form of totalitarian government; we believe that absolute power should reside with the citizenship." - from an e-mail "CyberBunker was built as a NATO base in 1955. In 1995 it was sold to a company under the control of it's present royal family and government. It never officially became dutch territory after 1955 again and was sold as is."- from the website
"Online home of a micronational Constitutional Catholic Monarchy focused on building a better world through education, charity, and faith." - from the website
A new country project located in an Argentine valley.
"Finismund's kingdom is a micronation that it does little it was constituyed, on November 9, 2009, nevertheless, his representatives have worked for it from years behind." "It is a constitutional monarchy, which claims a few territories that have not been claimed in the Antarctica to the south of the land of the Queen Maud and others in Marie-Byrd, in which negotiation we meet Westarctica." - from an e-mail
"The Grand Duchy Flandrensis was founded on 4th September 2008 and is a Belgian-Antarctic micronation. Flandrensis is located on five small islands: Siple Island, Pranke Island, Maher Island, Cherry Island & Carney Island in West Antarctica. The Grand Duchy of Flandrensis is a sovereign and independent micronation inside the Kingdom of Finismund (another micronation in Antarctica), just like Gibraltar in Spain. Flandrensis is a constitutional monarchy, has a population of 34 citizens and Dutch is the official language. The nation is now mostly Catholic, followed by Protestant followers. The environment conservation of Siple Island and the Christian values are our priorities." A libertarian-based group seeking to form a new country. There are a number of articles on freedom, libertarianism, and the formation of a new country at this site. UPDATE: As of 25 October 2008, this website as well as its Wiki and Forum have vanished. As of 28 June 2010, the domain enters to the State of the Union Address Library. Any update will be welcome!
"Nearly a mile long, 750 feet in width and 25 stories high, Freedom will be the largest vessel to ever sail the seven seas." - Popular Mechanics (Feb. 1998 issue.) "The Principality of Freedonia is an effort to estabish a new nation with a government following libertarian principles. Maximum Freedom for all citizens, and ultra low taxation. Our nation seeks to give people true liberty; that is the freedom to do anything which does not cause direct harm to others or to other people's property. Our government is a minimilist one, whose sole concern and authority relates to the preservation of law and order, national defense, and some aspects of infrastructure. With such a government, there is a very low need for taxation, well below the 35% or more of GDP required by most governments today." - from the website.
"Scattered over some 1 million square kilometres of ocean. The Gay & Lesbian Kingdom of the Coral Sea Islands was first administered as an overseas territory of England. In the 1960's it was administered from Australia by the department of the Environment, Sport and Territories as an overseas external territory of the Commonwealth of Australia. In June 2004 it declared it's independence from Australia and is currently the smallest Kingdom in the world." - from the website
"Ghanland is a 'new country project'. Our goal is short and simple: secede our square foot of Alaskan land from the United States. We have a new constitution and have recently updated our website. The people of Ghanland recognize the importance of foreign relations; to this end we are reaching out to other micronations. Our purpose: to protect the people of Ghanland, advance economic prosperity, promote human rights, gain an understanding of the values and polices of other micronations, support Ghanland officials who work at home and abroad to promote the success of Ghanland. In turn, the North American Provinces of Ghanland is ready and willing to share its ideals with other micronations." - from an e-mail by President Ryan Sudhop
"The Tsarist Empire of Gishabrun, is a Canadian-based, Tsarist micronation intent on gaining sovereignity to oppose most of today’s macronations, because it considers them corrupt and unfair. Gishabrun has three official goals outlined in the constitution, which are to: "Greenia is being formed as a new Country Project with the goal of Gaining some type of full independence sometime in the near future.
"The endeavor to establish wholly Christian cities throughout the world which will be united under one central government and thus will function as city-states. This union will form a country which will be known as the New Jerusalem Kingdom (NJK). Each of these cities will be a place which will wholeheartedly, fully incorporate the principles, values, ideology and theology of Christianity in its society. Like the coming Heavenly Kingdom of God, it will be a place "in which righteousness dwells" (2 Peter 3:13). In short, it will be a foretaste of Heaven, on Earth. This project will initially establish 24 Holy Cities. " - from an e-mail
"The Ibrosian Democracy is a federal direct democracy, uniting sovereign persons and private lands under the Ibrosian flag, creating a new approach to statehood. The Ibrosian Democracy presently possesses all of the popular measures of statehood, from our own currency to a national security force to a national language." - from an e-mail by Prime Minister David J. Gardiner DGC MLA
"On December 7, 1999 We received a decision from the State of Wisconsin Court of Appeals which stated that the Constitution and Laws of The Republic of The United States of America and Our Consitutional Rights under such had 'No Merit'. It was at this point in time that by the order of this Court We ceased to be a Citizen of The Republic of The United States.
"The International African American Caucus (IAAC) believes in the unalienable right of the African American people to establish a sovereign homeland in Africa. The IAAC is committed to working with African Americans and the African continent, to establish a homeland for those African Americans that wish to return to the land of our ancestors, and establish an Independent Democratic Nation." - from the website's mission statement "The Republic is a new micronation, currently building an infrastructure and recruiting citizens to build a productive community. The Republic is also diligently writing laws and entering into economic, cultural and political relations with several other nations." - from the website
"The Sovereign Kingdom of Kemetia, founded in 2005 by His Sovereign Majesty King Adam I and his supporters, is a country located primarily in the Southern British Isles, with additional territories throughout the world. Established on the principle that a People makes a country, and that the goals and dreams of those People form the national identity, Kemetia has always striven to promote an ideal of international cooperation and mutual respect. We are the International Nation, with a population from many diverse locations and a territory that spans many seas and cities" - from the website
"The Lassairi National Authority seeks to be among the world's first and foremost in providing civil, national and international services to the global community, by uniting, advocating and connecting the individuals and communities that are often disenfranchised by the existing nations due to their culture, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation or other minority status; in doing so we gratefully acknowledge and celebrate the diversity and uniqueness of each and every individual, thereby promote peaceful and free interchange between people." - Mission Statement
"The Empire of Lemuria is a peaceful new country project founded in 2001 CE, dedicated to shining a light in the darkness to guide people homeward. "www.LetsBuyAnIsland.com is new project for single members to buy and jointly run an island, officially as a company, but practically as our own country. We are very very real, and trying to do the unthinkable, even the unrealistic, but in a realistic world, with realistic goals." - from an e-mail by co-founder Gareth Johnson. Shares are available for sale on the website.
NOTICE: All the pages to these links appear to have vanished as of 27 May 2009. Any information will be welcome.
Federated Commonwealth of MALATORA
"The Federated Commonwealth of Malatora (commonly called 'FedCom') is one of the smallest and least-known nations on Earth. This tiny African proto-nation is made up of sovereign citizens, who work together in their common interests, protect each other's freedom and rights, and share the responsibilities of society equally and fairly." - from the website
An apparently serious project aiming to start a country on Mars, once technology allows for appropriate transportation and terraforming (They also make several claims to Antarctic territories).
While not exactly a new country, this was to have been a joint project of two model countries, the Kingdom of TorHavn and the Republic of Veshault, to form an actual town. The property, 40 acres of undeveloped land in Elko Country, Nevada, USA, was secured, but nothing ever became of it.
This is a rather unique project. It is a quasi-model country with actual physical territorial claim in Nevada, USA, with real citizens. Unlike many other model country projects, this is all done quite seriously.
"The Kingdom of Morovia is a legitimate, functioning, and non-territorial micronation that possesses immanent, virtual global sovereignty. We are not a separatist or secessionist movement but we seek to form a community that will effectively simulate nation building.
This was an attempted new country project by Leicester (pronounced "Lester") Hemingway (brother of writer Ernest Hemingway), who attempted to start his nation on a 8 X 40 foot bamboo raft anchored with a Ford engine block 8 miles southwest of Jamaica, making his claim of sovereignty under the Guano Islands Act of 1856.
This appears to be an artificial island project, planning to establish a landmass on an atoll in the Pacific Ocean.
"Created on August 6th 2004. Neighbor states (Germany, Austria, Switzerland) were informed at the same time. "The Northern Forest Archipelago (NFA) is a constitutional monarchy made up of several dozen chunks or 'islands' of wilderness existing within the northeastern states of the USA. Due to it's isolation and wild nature, the Northern Forest Archipelago is sparsely peopled, but rich in biodiversity and natural beauty. - from the website "We are seeking to establish a Culture and People on an international basis and establish a 108 acre 'world headquarters' for it, (somewhat along the lines of a cultural Vatican) rather than attempting to be a secessionist state or founders of a new 'homeland'. Our hope is that at some future time our cultural headquarters will be able to achieve serious sovereign nation status and international recognition as the Vatican and the Knights of Malta enjoy." - from an e-mail
This group has been planning a floating "free-city" based on libertarian principles. "Dear future Citizen Captains, Subject Citizens, and Subjects, Greetings! While it is true that my tongue is firmly in my cheek, take note that I'm biting down real hard! There comes a time when men and women of conscience have to shrug the load, stand up and say that we're mad as hell and we're not going to take it any more! If 60,000 like-minded dreamers from coast to coast and around the world can come together with common cause, we can make a place to go and we'll sail in the sun forever!" - from an e-mail by His Excellency John Wohlwend
An ambitious project, this group claims all territory in international waters, and issues a number of identity documents, mostly based on the geographic location of the person's birth (longitude & latitude), rather than by country. According to an e-mail by a representive of this project, they plan to "start a new country based on old ethical principle the real principle of nobility, spirituality, honesty with the respect of all living entities". At the present, they have no territory, but are seeking some, and have signed an alliance with the Knights of Malta. The website is mostly in Italian, but an English website is in the planning stages.
"This nation was formed in 2009 as a global way to end territorial disputes, promote freedom, and to give a hope and culture to refugees. We currently occupy many territories around the world. Though we are not member's on UN, we do respect their rule of law and have based our constitutional rights off of them. All of the territory has a reason for being claimed by the Pangean Empire, from territorial dispute to refugees. It is often regarded as the "most legal micronation" because of its active attempt to prove itself through the law. Google Maps has added the Pangean Empire's name to one of it's claimed territories known as Katchetheevu Island." - from an e-mail According to an e-mail, this is a "self-proclaimed independent neutral country ruling by heritage monarch Grand Duke of Pinsk. The sovereign peaceful nation project claim the part of west-east side of Antarctica Coast 'The Antarctic Project', but will start in 2006 another libertarian uninhabited or artificial island project claimed in High See water and will raise found through issue stamps, coins and other sources. State will providing humanitarian, charity, cultural and educational assistance, any documentation aid and medical help to refugees and unrepresented people and rural development as well. Sustainable use of natural resources set up economy and ecology energy."
United Nation of RASTAFARI
Of all the projects listed on this site, this and Freedom Ship have the most promise, simply because they have something the others don't...sound financial backing!
This began as a Brazilian model country project, and now claims the island of Réunion, an overseas department of France, as well as the Island of Mauritius.
"This is the website of the Principality of Rukora, an country independent from the United Kingdom aspiring to become a member of the UN at a later date. It is located in various counties in England. It is run by President Tom Turner who also runs the MUSC. Rukora is currently classified as a 5th World Nation under the Boodlesmythe-Tallini system. This is because Rukora is Bricks & Mortar - Sizeable - Statehood." - from an email by Minister James AwayeJones, Homeland and Citizenship Affairs
"Ruritania is a Micronation tracing its history to that described by Anthony Hope in the novel "The Prisoner of Zenda". It is a monarchy based on the Divine Right theory. At first glance, the Kingdom of Ruritania would appear to be a comic opera farce, but its citizens are devoted to the ideals of bygone eras such as dignity, manners and personal honor. The country lies between Dresden and Prague and an Embassy is maintained in Decatur, Georgia." - from an email by HM Anastasia Sophia Maria Helena von Rubinroth-Elphberg This is an "artitsts state", apparently an off-shoot of the group "Sabotage Communications".
Kingdom of SALEM
"The Principality of Scotia is a micronation built on the foundation that it will one day become a country in its own right, by obtaining land and citizens and creating a haven for its residence." - from the website Principality of SEALAND [Fixed Platform Off-Shore of England] Due to the large amount of information about this controversial nation-state, a separate page has been established for all information pertaining to it.
"The Principality of Snake Hill was formed by secession from Australia on 2nd September 2003 after the Australian Government assisted in the theft of 2 of our properties. We then declared our independence and renamed our remaining properties as our Principality. This declaration was acknowledged by the Australian Head of State. Our Principality is almost as large as Monaco in area." - from an e-mail
"TTF-Bucksfan no longer exists in a meaningful way, and the only component that remains alive is The Tallini Family (TTF), which is a building, and part of the Fifth World Community diaxenospitia." - from an e-mail by Cesidio Tallini
"The Terran Empire is a non-territorial global sovereignty established for the eventual formation of a global union both socially and politically. We are united as one people striving to develop and maintain a national community in which all citizens are free to fully participate and to advance as far as their talents and aspirations will allow." - from an e-mail
"The Principality of Trumania is a territorial micronation of 42 acres on Puget Sound with a beautiful rocky beach, a sandy cove, and dense alder forests. We are a nation held together by order and peace. Our primary goal is to attain the reputation of being a dependable and friendly nation in the inter-micronational community. We allow our citizens the right to choose who is in government and to participate in that government, without taxation. We believe in loosely-based yet orderly government where our citizens are free to live in any part of the world." - from an e-mail by the Trumanian Ministry of Information
"TwoChairs is a small patch of land which was declared a sovereign and independent Nation on the 6th of October, 2007. Though it is not recognized by most larger countries, it functions just as a recognized Country would. TwoChairs does not 'campaign' for recognition or 'true independence' partly because we believe we already are independent and that recognition is an honour, and also because Tchairians are the type of people who don't really want to cause too much of a stir." - from the website
Described on its website as "a serious model country with real goals". The site also states: "Republic of Veshault was started in 1999 by Albert Zeller whom is acting President.. has ties with TorHavn thru a joint venture from 2002 in which they were purchasing approx 40 acres near Montello, NV.. the plans gave way after about 9 payments.. Republic Of Veshault then purchased 10 acres in Texas near Van Horn.. that as of 6/2010 was found to be more than 1 mile from road/power.. sold the 10 acres in Jan 2011.. then Feb 2011, purchased 11 acres in the same general area.. City Of Microna is a subsidiary of Republic Of Veshault and had coins minted in 2002 for use in the 'developing' city." - from an e-mail by Albert Zeller "We are a declared sovereign democratic monarchy, a nation of people who have come together as citizens and wish to be involved in the operation of a new micro-nation. Our Territory is comprised of privately owned land that is declared Vikeslandic land. However these lands still reside within the jurisdiction of other nations and are still beholden to their laws. It is our hope that someday through peaceful negotiations and or purchase, that we will have a defined sovereign territory in which the Principality of Vikesland may permanently establish itself. We are currently looking at various locations. Please do not mistaken us for rebel seccesionists. We are peaceful people who are proud dual citizens with the other countries in which we reside." - from the website
"Westarctica was founded on November 2nd, 2001 as a new country project by Travis McHenry in an effort to create a new country in Western Antarctica, one of the most desolate and inhospitable regions on the planet. On December 5th, 2014, Westarctica was incorporated as a nonprofit public benefit corporation in the state of California with the express goal of increasing conservation efforts in Western Antarctica." - HRH Travis McHenry Executive Director of Westarctica
"Wirtland is a political experiment into legitimacy and self-sustainability of an internet-based sovereign country. Wirtland's concept is a country that transcends national borders without breaching or lessening the sovereignty of any involved."
YAN (whY A Nation?)
"This is the site about the philosophical project created by Yan Pagh, that your own body is a nation that turned into a world wide project of interactive individuals, and inspired several other projects across the globe." - from, the website
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