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This is a page of The Microfreedom Index and is not an official website for the Principality of Sealand, nor has it been authorized by the Principality, nor by any facility, agency or ministry of the Principality.
To visit the official website, please go to:
To visit the Facebook page for the Principality of Sealand, visit:
To read the most recent news about Sealand, please go to:
Most recent update/additions: 16 October 2014
"The British government tried to reclaim Sealand back in 1968, the year I was born, so it's very easy for me to remember. They wouldn’t have tried to bring Sealand back under its wing unless they coveted it for themselves. They feared what Sealand might one day become. It is a totalitarian's worst nightmare. It may well also be the wave of the future."
The Flag and National Anthem of the Principality of Sealand (Note: The National Anthem is instrumental and has no lyrics.)
(Click here for a video taken of the Legation of Sealand at the Amorph!03 Summit of Micronations)
YouTube Videos:
GENERAL INFORMATION Paddy Roy Bates (HRH Prince Roy I), a fishing fleet owner and former off-shore radio pirate (Radio Essex and BBMS [Britain's Better Music Station]), founded this new country project in 1967. Taking Bates' court victories in mind (which cost him a great amount of money), this is the most successful of all new country projects attempted thus far. In 1999, Prince Roy handed all authority and responsibility to his son and heir, then Prince Regent Michael, who ascended to the title of Prince upon his father's death in 2012. HRH Prince Michael has his own heir, Prince Royal James.
The platform/island was fitted by HavenCo as a fully functional off-shore database, (technically) outside of any governmental jurisdiction, making it the first micronation with an active economy. There is an article in Wired Magazine on this project.
Articles on Sealand/HavenCo:
There are several sites that claim to be official Sealand websites, but are imposters.
In September 1982, an amateur radio DX-pedition was made from Sealand, with four German amateur radio operators (DC5BT, DF2AO, DK8KW, DL6PE), operating under Sealand's self-proclaimed (and unofficial) callsign prefix of "S1A". You can see the QSL card here. (Please note that the Sovereign Military Order of Malta operates amateur radio broadcasts under the unofficial prefix of 1A0, but unlike Sealand, is recognized as a DXCC entity by the Amateur Radio Relay League [ARRL].)
Geographer Matt Rosenberg feels that Sealand should not be considered a country. He has an article posted here and invites comments on his message board.
Please note that the Principality of Sealand is not to be confused with the Danish shipping container company Maersk Sealand, the Danish island Zealand, the Dutch province Zeeland, or the Sealand House Hotel in Hong Kong SAR, PRC. NOTE: Due to the fact that Sealand is not presently recognized by any other country, nor is it a member of the Universal Postal Union (UPU), all mail must be sent via the United Kingdom (the nearest UPU member country) at the following address (as listed on Sealand's website):
Principality of Sealand
The postal code is that for Felixstowe near Ipswich. According to the website for Britian's Royal Mail, their standardized listing for the address is as follows:
Sealand Fort
Note: This postal situation is similar to that of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), which is recognized only by the Republic of Turkey. All mail sent to the TRNC is addressed "Mersin 10, Turkey", meaning that it is sent to the Turkish state of Mersin, and the TRNC is its 10th county. Sealand has recently taken an interest in sports and athletics. From 2003 to 2004 (and according to Sealand's website, into 2005), Sealand was the official sponsor of a Danish football team (Their website, in Danish, is here). Mountain climber Slader Oviatt carried Sealand's flag to the top of Muztag Ata, the tallest peak in Asia. The mantle of "Athleta Principalitas" was bestowed upon Canadian athlete Darren Blackburn, who runs in marathons officially representing Sealand.
ADDENDUM: As of 7 November 2003, a motion picture about Sealand may be soon in production!
CafePress (Various Sealand flag items)
The four-part film "Sealand: The Mystery Solved" by Benjamin Gale