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About Me

Name: Autumn Michelle Schmidt
Age: 19
Date of Birth: 9/24/83
Likes: Certain people, Stars, Trees, Music, Sleep, Stuff.
Dislikes: People in general, loneliness, thinking too much, other stuff.
Music: Pretty much anything besides teenie bopper music and most country depending.
Band: Nirvana, Radiohead, R.E.M., Bright Eyes, Travis, Belle &Sebastian, Kent, Greenday, NIN.
Movie: What Dreams May Come, Nightmare Before Christmas, Edward Scissorhands, Digging to China, Ghostbusters.
Author: Children's : Bruce Coville
Youth: Robert Jordan
Adult: Not Sure
People: You know who you are! and Robin Williams.
Food: Pasta
Place: Somewhere else that's not here. North or east, which ever.

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