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12/11/02: It's been over a year. And I don't think I will do anything with this site ever again. Really, it's just depressing. I've lost my momentum to web design. I update my journal every once in a great while. Don't think to hard about them. They mean nothing. Well. This might be my final goodbye from angelfire. We'll see.

07/05/01: It's been a long time. I haven't done anything in here. I'm such a boring lame person. I need a scanner. Of which I don't have. Otherwise I'd have a lot more stuff in here. Like art work. I've stopped writing poetry in here. It's all in my journals now. Of which I have more than one. I've deleted a bunch of links. They were useless for now. So I've just brought you up to date. Isn't that fun. Not. I'm disappointed in myself. Oh well. I guess I'll always be. Forget about it.

12/17/00: Well, I did update something. For those of you who come to my page you may have noticed a new link on the front page. It's my journal page. It's basically my thoughts (not poems) that have been written down. I'll do more things there than I actullay will on this page, so check that whenever you feel like it.

11/18/00: As most of you have noticed, I rearranged the entire look of my page. I'll continue to do so and add other things as well. Look here for when I get around to updating anything.