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Caught in the Crystal Haze

This song is my shortest and simplest song I have writted but I feel it's the most powerful.It's deep and dark.The music and the lryics fit so well together.It's also a personal song.Once apon a time I was hooked on speed.It was a world of pure insanity.Looking back it's hard to believe I went through all I did.At first It was pure bliss.I was on top of the world.I felt like I could do anything.After a wile it changed.At first I loved to talk to other people on speed for hours.I've told my life story more times than I could count if the list were right in front of me.When the change came about I didn't want to talk to anyone.I preferd to write,draw,or do anything but talk to people.The worst part was I hated to be on it but I couldn't get off of it.I hated to be high but had to get high.I had no controle.That's all I can say to describe it, but it gose so much deeper than that.It's sencless suffering.

If you know anyone or have thought of trying it yourself tell them not to and do the same.Like I said it's needless suffering.

The lyrics.

Caught in the Crystal Haze

Welcome to a place far from Heaven.

Look at Death's face, can you see him smile?

Take in all the pain you thoungt you allways wanted.

Go unpack your bags.Your gonna be here for a while.

Chopping with a razor, it might as well be your wrist.

You wanderd into Hell and thought that you found bliss.

It striped you to the core and left you like the desert.

Dead and desolate, so desperatly you hurt.

Caught in the crystal haze.


Music and Lyrics-Ben Brown

Ben Brown-Vocals and Guitar

Ricky Ticky and Sosha-Birds in backgrownd