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C&AJ Transcripts-January 14,1999

January 14, 1999

A.J.: So, is it safe, or will the anti-A.J. Laser beams fry me as I cross the living room?

Carly: It's not that bad.

A.J.: It is if Michael's around.

Carly: He's not here, actually. Leticia took him.

A.J.: Uh-huh.

Carly: What can I do for you?

A.J.: Nothing. No, i just stopped by to see how you were doing and to see how you like the new sound system.

Carly: It's great. The C.D.’s you gave me -- Michael really loves them.

A.J.: And you?

Carly: I -- yeah, I danced around a little, I played some air guitar… You know, it was nice. It was nice, you know, putting music in this place,filling it up.

A.J.: Uh-huh. Well, that was the whole idea. Here.

Carly: More C.D.s?

A.J.: I was at the music store. They had a display of the top 10. I know how you like to keep up on what's hot, so enjoy.

Carly: Thank you.

A.J.: Listen, I know it's short notice, but I was wondering if you'd like to grab a bite to eat.

Carly: Thanks, but I already had breakfast.

A.J.: You ever see the buffet at the Port Charles grill?

Carly: Yeah.

A.J.: Well, then, you'll remember that it is guaranteed to stimulate your appetite.


Carly: You know, I got to tell you, the Port Charles grill is not exactly my favorite spot in town.

A.J.: Why not?

Carly: Well, my son was kidnapped in the lobby, and the woman who raised me died on the floor of the restaurant. All the sordid details of my life are screamed across the room.

A.J.: Well, that doesn't mean the food's not good.

Carly: Do they still serve champagne with brunch?

A.J.: All you can drink.

Carly: Caviar?

A.J.: If you like.

Carly: That's going to be really hard to pass up. The only thing i don't understand --

A.J.: Hmm?

Carly: Is how you and your Grandfather think this is going to help you get your hands on Michael.

A.J.: hmm. You know, I am so sorry to hear you asking that question yet again.

Carly: Gee, you know, i figured you might be.

A.J.: Not for the reasons you think. Can't you see what Jason's done? No, really. Carly, the only identity you have left is as Michael's mother.

Carly: Hey, hold on a minute, all right? This may be very hard for you to comprehend, but being Michael's mother is an identity that I enjoy.

A.J.: I'm sure you do. Really. But whatever happened to the fun Carly, the one that used to laugh all the time and let herself go? Or has Jason convinced you that she's ceased to exist?

Carly: I have to give you some credit, you know. I mean, everything you're saying, it makes perfect sense. Of course, i don't believe any of it, but -- but I really do admire the effort.

A.J.: Look, the point I'm trying to make here is that --

Carly: Yeah, what is the point?

A.J.: I appreciate you for who you are, really. Is that such a terrible thing?


Carly: Ok. If you promise not to bother me about how much happier Michael would be living in the Quartermaine mansion, and you make sure that that snooty maitre d' pulls out my chair personally --

A.J.: Mm-hmm?

Carly: You've got yourself a brunch date.

A.J.: Perfect. Well, I'll wait here while you change.

Carly: Is there something wrong with the way I look?

A.J.: No. Oh, no. I just thought that you would want to put on something that would go better with the sable.

Carly: Oh. You have a point there.

A.J.: Mm-hmm.

Carly: It's actually kind of nice to be around somebody who -- who cares about what i wear, you know.

A.J.: Jason doesn't?

Carly: Never.

A.J.: Well, he -- he doesn't have your feel for the more subtle aspects of human interaction.

Carly: Yeah, well, I don't really mind because he has a lot of other qualities that more than make up for it.

A.J.: I'm sorry. I've forgotten what they are.

Carly: Loyalty, compassion --

A.J.: Uh-huh.

Carly: Watching out for anybody that he loves. Shall I go on?

A.J.: No. Maybe after we eat.

Carly: ok, I'm not going to be long. I'll just go get dressed. You know what? I'm going to leave a note for Leticia so she'll know where we're going to be. But if she comes back before i come down with Michael, you don't go near him. You don't go near him.

A.J.: I'll lock myself in the bathroom.

Carly: You do that.

A.J.: Ok.


Carly: Ahem.

A.J.: Wow. You look fantastic. May I?

Carly: [French accent] But of course.

A.J.: Ok.

Carly: [normal voice] Thank you.

A.J.: You know what you look like right now?

Carly: No.

A.J.: A woman who wouldn't settle for anything less than the best.

Carly: That's me.

A.J.: and at least for one afternoon, I'm going to make sure you get it. (Missing something here)

Carly: Delighted. Hi.

Jason: I need -- i need to speak to you.

A.J.: I'm sorry, Jase, we were just stepping out.

Carly: Hey, we'll do it another time, then, ok?

A.J.: Whatever you say. You -- you don't look too good, pal.

Jason: A.J., just leave.

A.J.: Ok. But whatever's bothering you, Jason, don't take it out on Carly.

Carly: A.J., come on, he asked you to leave now.

A.J.: Ok. I'll be in touch.