Rare violin books for sale for the collector.
- Rare Bows for Violin, Viola, Violin-Cello Wurlitzer Collection - $150.
Extremely rare 1st edition book from 1931 in very good condition.
- Lewis Catalogs - 1954,1960,1984,1947,1950 - $15 each
- The Violin: Its Famous Makers And Players - By Paul Stoving 1928 paperback - $15
- Stradivarius - by Dirk Balfoort 1937, fair cond - $20
- The Virtuosi - by Harold Schonberg, excellent cond - $20
- Guide To Common Sense Instrument Repair - By James Mckean, excellent cond - $5
(Two copies, one from 1990 and the other from 1996)
- The Violin Guide for performers, teachers and students by Stefan Krayk - $10
- Program Guides From Carnegie Hall From The 1950's - Menuhin, Szell, Toshiya Eto $20
each (1-20 pages), also ones with 4 pages $10 each, and single page programs $5
- Violinists Autographs - Ruggerio Ricci Program Guide from Carnegie Hall autographed
$50, Pearlman $25, Mischa Mishakoff $10, James Oliver Buswell $10
- Miscellaneous - Mischa Elman program from 1952 $5, brochure for Yehudi Menuhin
Shoulder Rest with illustrations $10, large schematic diagram of violin with exact
measurements for violin makers $10
Special Offer: - $250 for the entire collection of rare violin books and the price includes shipping.
I also have a Violin Bow For Sale. It's a Vitali Violin Bow and it is in
excellent condition as far as the stick (wood) and
frog go, and only needs to be re-haired.
It has a copper mount and I am asking $100 for the bow if anyone is interested.
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Violin Books