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I escaped the prison of agoraphobia, you can too!

I escaped the prison of agoraphobia over 35+ yrs ago without one incident since. Do not let anyone tell you this isn't curable. It is and I've found out how. I now am finally free to enjoy my family, my friends, my life!

I got tired of being a slave to drugs & getting no results. Do you really believe the medical community wants us well? That wouldn't help them buy that big house or that new Porsche in the driveway now would it?

As individuals, we need to take responsibility for our healing. No one knows our body better than we ourselves and drugs are not the way. Worse yet, in treating the symptoms they are not addressing the cause & getting rid of it….

Well, Good News is here!

I've finally finished my little *e-Book titled

'Agoraphobia: Prison To Freedom in 4 Weeks'

Subjects included are:



My reasons for writing this are two-fold.

First and foremost, to help others. I had no internet to find help when I was going through my hell. Being disabled (CHF), it is the only way I have of contributing to society. I'd have given anything back then to have a solution at my fingertips.

Second, to help make up a lack of income. Due to medical issues I cannot work outside the home. In order to accomplish this I charge a nominal fee in return for sharing my solution to this crippling situation.

* E-books are electronic books (not paper books); fiction or nonfiction text that is distributed and read in digital form on a computer. In this case, MSWord doc files. Once you have paid for your e-book, I will e-mail it to you in a zipped file. Once you have downloaded the E-book to your computer you can view it any time you want and even print it out if you like ... in part or it's entirety!

Warning: All content is my own, it is taken from personal experiences and may not be copied, reprinted or claimed by anyone and fee is non-refundable. This essay is protected by copyright law and international treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this work, whole or in part, will result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under law. Copyright 1997