I met my fiancé online one-day back in October, 01’. A mutual friend of ours (Vallo) gave him my screen name. I wasn’t too sure of him at first – I knew him online for couple of days and he already had asked to meet me over a cup of coffee once he came home on leave in December. I thought that John was another online freak, but he really went to prove himself to be the most wonderful person in my life.

We became great friends, started writing each other emails, letters, and I even got a call from him every other day. Before we knew it, December was around the corner. I was extremely interested in him, excited to meet him but I was nervous as hell. I was scared that he wouldn’t match up to my ideal image of who I had in mind. Things went smoothly. Other then the part that he showed up a little late and that I slipped on ice and fell straight on my ass. (No harm done) He asked me out that evening. I was the happiest person alive. We were together almost every day.

His leave permission was 2 weeks. It wasn’t for long, but it seemed like we spent a lifetime together already. Every day closer to his departure it got harder, the morning he left was the hardest. Knowing that he wouldn’t be there tomorrow, I wouldn’t see his smile the next day.

Well, Time doesn’t hold it’s place for any one, he came and left. My heart was for the first time completed. But I also couldn’t help but feel like I lost every thing when he walked away.

Our friend Vallo let me cry on his shoulder, and tried to pull me back together. I’ll always remember that morning when he was there for me. (Thank you)

Months went by, John and I started our second count down. He would be home may 15th for one month! That month went by in the blink of an eye. In that month we definitely had some memories very well made. Simple sweet things to the most extraordinary things, Falling asleep to “ever after”, Running back and forth from the store several times running errands for my family, car washes, to getting engaged in Canada at Niagara falls! Things were very beautiful; I’m still the most excited and honored marine’s fiancée.

He’s been gone now for 2 months. The 1st week was terrible; time had never dragged on so slowly. Finally things picked up, and it’s moving along. It’s not easy to have him so far away, or to even afford those expensive phone calls to and from Japan. He’ll be home and finished in Okinawa! After Japan he will be stationed in Virginia, 6 months after that we’re getting hitched!

May 10th, 2003 – save the date!

He is my one and only. He has made me the happiest person alive. Thank you to all of his friends and family. I know you miss him as much as I do. Thank you every one for making him who he is today. Thank you Vallo for introducing us. Thank you John for loving me unconditionally. I love you!