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Southern Belle's Family Tree

"Tell me a story, sweet mother of the Ancestors and their days, of how they walked with beauty learning the medicine ways. Together we can journey through those other times, reclaiming all the wisdom of the legacies left behind." -Jamie Sams

Hello there! To all researchers far and wide, WELCOME HOME! Take your hat off, get yourself a cool drink, and relax as you enter Southern Belle's Family Tree. I hope that you can find some useful information here. Thanks for surfing on in, and don't forget to sign my guest book!

I'd like to welcome the newest members of my family-My Sorority Sisters.

We Joined Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated Fall of 1999.

Much Love to the 49 Pillars of Stregnth and our Chapter Charlotte Alumnae!!!!!

Thy Lovely Roots

Pop's Corner

Ellen Lizana

For those of you who are looking for further information on the LIZANA line, check out my cousin's site @ Home Of The Displaced Creole


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With regard to the Spanish surname LIZANA this name is of toponymic origin. Toponymic names are those surnames which derive their origin from a particular place-name near which the original bearer resided or held land. In this instance, the surname LIZANA is derived from the Spanish place name LIZANA which is located in the province of Huesca. Thus, the surname LIZANA signifies "descendant of or son of one from Lizana". According to etymologists, the place-name LIZANA is derived from the Basque "lizar" which signifies "Ash Tree" while the castillan ending "Ana" denotes "Abundant in".

References to this name or to a variant include a record of the following who are listed in the Indice de los Appelidos Probados en la Order de Carlos III: Francisco Lizana, Antonia Lizana, Jose Blas de Lizana and Jose Bernarda de Lizana.

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