Deeana's Dreamland
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Deeana's Dreamland

Hi!...My name is Lori but most of my friends in the Cuzzi know me as Deeana, this is my very first homepage and on occassion I will update it and as you can see I have updated with some of what's going on here in FL.

A little about me. I was born and raised in New York, I am now 45 years old and my husband is 47. We moved to Boca Raton, Florida almost 3 years ago and love the life here in FL. I am happily married to a wonderful guy for the last 12 years and my profession was as a buyer in the wholesale field, hard goods and soft goods, I also owned my own nail salon and I dabble in Manhattan real estate and the stock market, although I have sort of retired due to health reasons for now. My husband was in the sign business and had 2 shops of his own but is now retired as well here in FL, he buys and sells Corvettes as his hobby, and right now my new hobby is buying and selling antiques and collectibles so as you can see we're very career oriented people.

We have 1 son and his name in Jonathon, he's 25 and he has a son too. My grandson's name is Donavon, he is 6 and another one on the way, and they live in Las Vegas, Nevada.

My hobbies include world travel, which is my favorite hobby and I also love to read, I love driving in my Corvette with the glass top off with the wind blowing in my hair on a beautiful sunny day, I love swimming and we love to eat gourmet foods. We love our friends and love spending time with the people that are close to our hearts. We recently got a puppy which is now almost 3 years old and we love her dearly and don't know how we got along without her. Her name is Amber and she's wonderful. Just recently we added another new member to our family, a Yellow Collar Macaw (Parrot) and we named the bird Jade. We have him or her (we don't know the sex unless we do a DNA test and I think that its a little traumatic for birds so we won't) a little under a year and we're really enjoying our new baby. Jade has bonded to me and I have to tell you that until we got Jade I was scared to death of birds. Jade flew on my head at our pool and has been with us ever since. In case your wondering, we tried real hard to find the rightful owners but none came forward so I guess God knew what was happening when Jade landed on my head. You had to be there, it was definitely a God thing. 

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