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FreeHawk's Lair is dedicated to honoring and respecting individuality and diverstity in all its mysterious forms.  Prejudice and intolerance have no place in the Lair.  Life, in all of its expressions is a wonderful gift of priceless worth, and no judgments will be rendered that would compromise it.

Advisory Note: Much of the content in FreeHawk's Lair is gay-themed.  If you find such material offensive, you may not wish to explore further.  Although the invitation is open to all, I have no wish to infringe upon individual choices, values, or beliefs.  You are asked only to be respectful as you view what I have included here.  Thank you. 

Much of what you are about to see reflects my own views and perspectives.  Subjects and statements that reflect opinion are just that - opinion.  I make no claim that these are right or wrong - I claim only that they are mine.  One of my greatest pleasures in life comes from learning, and I welcome opportunites to expand my knowledge.  If you have comments or insights you would like to share - or if a stated fact is in error, please feel free to contact me.

About FreeHawk - Here lie the answers that will reveal the guy behind the smile.
FreeHawk's Journal - A collection of essays and poetry I've written over the years.
FreeHawk's Link Picks - A few miscellaneous links to some interesting places on the Web.
FreeHawk's Pics & Pans - A collection of photographs and matching comments.
Hazards of Drunk Driving - After becoming an innocent victim in an alcohol-related auto acident, The Keeper has chosen to share some insights as to possible consequences of driving after drinking alcoholic beverages.

Two very special sections have been created, and I invite you to visit them.

Matthew Shepard Memorial 

Dedicated to the young man who died in October 1998, a kindred spirit lost to the darkness of hatred.

The Wall of Remembrance 

Dedicated to the Men, Women, and Children whose lives were lost when the darkness of hate and violence overshadowed the true goodness in the World.

In addition to contacting by Email, I am also available through ICQ at
User ID # 11983831

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