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Antioch Rest Cemetery

in Grandview, Texas

( Johnson County)


This is a listing of everyone buried at Antioch Rest Cemetery as of Nov. 26, 1998. I am told there are no spaces left to buy, however some that were bought were never used. Which means that relatives can still be buried there if there family had an empty space available. The ones in bold are my family, if you have a connection or have additional information please contact me at: E-Mail Lesley .You can use the search feature on this page if you would like. Thanks for stopping in for a visit.

This page maintained by: Lesley R. Prey


Last updated Nov. 2006

Antioch Rest Cemetery

BARNETT Janet Lee Dec. 21, 1950 Dec. 21, 1950 J. B. Barnett Virginia E. Barnett (Grammer)
BASHAM infant son Aug. 22, 1914 Aug. 22, 1914 V. Basham F. E. Bashman
BASHAM infant son Aug. 18, 1899 Aug. 18, 1899 V. Basham F.E. Basham
BEAN Jimmie Ray Aug. 21, 1935 Sept. 08, 1936 son -
BEAN Glenda Faye Aug. 21, 1935 April 06, 1937 daughter -
BENTON Savannah 1844 1886 mother -
BENTON John Albert Jan. 08, 1892 July 04, 1964 Tex. Pvt. US Army WWI -
BENTON Lochie M. April 25, 1887 June 22, 1959 - -
BENTON Bettie B. July 20, 1858 March 15, 1945 - -
BENTON Jesse Y. Nov. 20, 1853 March 20, 1925 - -
BENTON Ila May May 26, 1884 Jan. 12, 1885 Jesse Y. Benton Bettie B. Benton
BENTON Martha Oct. 15, 1808 Jan. 03 1884 wife of P. S. Benton -
BENTON Fredrick Dec. 07, 1880 Oct. 25, 1886 A. D. Benton S. Benton
BENTON J.D. Dec. 05, 1847 March 09, 1892 Tex. Pvt. Co A Tex. Cav. C.S.A -
BENTON Dora Bell July 13, 1895 March 25, 1949 - -
BENTON Tom Larkin Dec. 14, 1875 Feb. 03, 1968 - -
BENTON Grady E. June 03, 1940 Oct. 04, 1955 Sonny -
BENTON child - - - -
BENTON child - - - -
BENTON W. L. Jr. Sept.1850 of 1859 - - -
BILLINGSLEY Ara A. Dec. 18, 1870 Oct. 27, 1949 Mother -
BLAKLEY Mary F. July 03, 1925 Aug. 08, 1927 - -
BLEDSOE Carol Eunice Oct. 22, 1964 Oct. 22, 1964 - -
BLISSETT Thomas J. Nov. 29, 1891 Sept. 20, 1960 Texas Cpl. Btry E. 133 Field Arty. WWI -
BLISSETT Loumeda May 05, 1921 April 06, 1941 - -
BOWLES T. J. Dec. 27, 1895 Jan. 23, 1896 - -
BRICKELL Inez L. 1907 - - -
BRICKELL Loyd M. 1904 1952 Tex. Pvt. Btry. D. 15 Field Arty. -
BRIGHT Byron 1880 1882 - -
BRIGHT Stephen 1877 1885 - -
BROWN Pearley March 21, 1894 May 17, 1897 T. E. Brown M. E. Brown
BRYANT Josie - - J. E. Bryant Virginia A. Bryant
BRYANT Virginia A. July 16, 1847 July 22, 1884 wife of J. E. Bryant -
CALE Charles N. - - Missouri Pvt. 1cl 356 Inf. 89 Div. 20 Date : Aug. 20, 1939( don't know if its birth or death.)
CASTER Thomas L. 1874 1949 - -
CASTER Ida B. 1879 1955 - -
CHAMBERLAIN Olivia Brown Feb. 17, 1896 - - -
CHAMBERLAIN Rufus Brooks March 03, 1895 Aug. 16, 1967 Tex. Pvt. Btry. F. 133 Fa 36 Div. WWI -
CLAY William C. 1876 1926 - -
COUSINS Bertha - - - -
COUSINS Hattie 1856 1897 - -
COUSINS William E. 1856 1897 - -
DUCKETT Pamilia Y. 1962 1963 - -
DYER infant daughter Sept. 06, 1901 Sept. 06, 1901 D. D. Dyer L. G. Dyer
EDMISTON George Dewey 1898 1900 - -
ENGLISH Flora Bowie - June 1890 wife of Ephraim English -
F is all you can read "S. L. F. " - - - -
F is all you can read " S.C.F." - - - -
FITZGERALD John George - Nov. 19, 1934 - Husband of MaeDena Lassiter
FITZGERALD "MaeDena (Lassiter)Fitzgerald " May 21, 1875 Sept. 14, 1926 Father: John Gayle Lassiter Mother: Sarah Adeline Stone
FLOOD (?) F. H. - - - -
FOWLER James M. - - Co. F. 6 Miss. Cav. C.S.A. -
FOWLER Sarah Ann 1827 1894 - -
FOWLER Sena L. April 09, 1851 Jan. 18, 1924 wife of S.C. Fowler -
FOWLER S. C. Feb. 26, 1844 Jan. 13, 1922 husband of Mirinda A. Fowler -
FOWLER Marinda A. July 17, 1845 Jan. 20, 1884 wife of S. C. Fowler -
FOWLER Horace Eliud Oct. 28, 1881 June 25, 1952 - -
FOWLER Willie E. Oct. 18, 1915 Nov. 15, 1915 H. E. Fowler Era Fowler
FRAZIER infant daughter Aug. 20, 1902 Aug. 23, 1902 T. L. Frazier M. E. Frazier
FREEMEN A. J. 1874 1922 Erected by W. G. Freemen -
GONOY GOWLY GOULY spelling not for sure Mrs. J. M. March 27, ???7 died at 63 yrs. of age North Fort Worth Funeral Marker -
GRAY John Wesley July 27, 1955 age 54 yrs. 9 months and 9 days - -
HALL Rebecca Sept. 15, 1862 March 21, 1897 wife of W. H. Hall -
HAMPTOM James C. Dec. 25, ???7 June 19, ???7 Grandview Texas funeral marker -
HARBIN Mother Samantha D. 1837 1887 - -
HARRIS Dave A. Nov. 08, 1888 Jan. 09, 1940 - -
HARRIS George W. - May 02, 1886 aged 39 yrs. 2months and 5days -
HARRIS Isabella C. Nov. 26,1844 Sept. 20,1919 - -
HARTIS Robert Lee 1869 1947 Father -
HARTIS Callie 1873 1938 Mother -
HILL W. R. Dec. 15, 1878 June 17, 1908 husband of Leila Porter Hill -
HILL Leila Porter 1884 1937 wife of W. R. Hill -
HILL Luther Nov. 13, 1903 May 30, 1965 Son R. "P. E." -
HINE Thomas Samuel Mar 15 1837 Nov 26 1917 Corpl. Co. A. 28 La Inf. C.S.A. /Father: Samuel Hine Susan
Hine Sarah Ann (Hudson) Mar 24 1844 Apr 22 1932 William Harris Hudson Jr. Nancy Petty Hudson
HUDGEN John T. Aug. 31, 1862 Nov. 16, 1946 Daddy -
HUDSON James I. July 21, 1848 Jan. 05, 1931 - -
HUDSON Martha E. Nov. 19, 1858 Oct. 23, 1936 - -
HUDSON Elizabeth L. Jan. 10, 1885 June 17, 1954 - -
HUDSON Lesley Aug. 16, 1879 Sept. 29, 1934 - -
HUDSON Jimmy March 01, 1934 March 01, 1934 - -
HUDSON Kenny Joe - Dec. 10, 1955 47 yrs. 7 months and 1day -
JAMES Lillie O. March 31, 1892 April 02, 1892 S.S James D. A. James
JAMES Louisa A. March 08, 1887 March 14, 1887 S. S. James D. A. James
JOHNSON S. L. June 10, 1917 July 06, 1917 J. S. Johnson C. L. Johnson
JOHNSON Ingram I. - - Co. E. 35 Miss. Inf. C.S.A. -
JOHNSTON Cynthia Ann Dec. 12, 1821 July 18, 1894 - -
JOHNSTON Chas. N. Aug. 24, 1860 May 10, 1907 - -
KENDRICK infant son April 21, 1933 April 21, 1933 Paul H. Kendrick Mattie M. Kendrick
LASSITER Co. B. 35th Miss. Inf. C.S.A. John Gayle April 14, 1844 Feb. 02, 1906 Matthew Lassiter Rebecca Lassiter
Lassiter Sarah Adeline (Stone)Lassiter June 02, 1847 Jan. 09, 1910 Father:Travis Stone Mother:Permelia Lang
LIVINGSTON infant daughter Sept. 13, 1908 Sept. 13, 1908 N. H. Livingston J. H. Livingston
LOONEY Emma Elizabeth 1874 1959 - -
LOONEY Lee Ander 1871 1935 - -
LOONEY John D. Dec. 27, 1894 april 29, 1958 - -
LOONEY four separate markers all marked "baby" - - - -
LOONEY Clifford O. Jan. 15, 1897 Feb. 13, 1963 husband of Maudie W. Looney Tex. F3 USNRF WWI
LOONEY Maudie W. Nov. 04, 1900 Jan. 27, 1952 wife of Clifford O. Looney -
LOONEY E. T. - April 19, 1945 aged 39 yrs. 1 month and 9 days -
LOONEY William Henry 1891 1961 - -
LOONEY Ludie Artimiss 1892 1942 - -
MANNING F.H. M - - - -
MONTAGUE Margaret Edmiston 1848 1890 - -


Carl Morris Apr 14 1911 May 2 1989 Benjamin F. Matney Jewell Elizabeth Waterson
MATNEY Elizabeth Jean (FITZGERALD) Jan 21 1915 Apr 9, 1936 John George FITZGERALD MaeDena (Lassiter) FITZGERALD
NELSON Charles H. Nov. 14, 1890 Jan. 05, 1891 J.R. Nelson C. Nelson
NELSON infant - - J. R. Nelson C. Nelson
ODOM Coke 1848 1916 Masonic -
ODOM Jennie 1851 1943 Eastern Star -
ODOM Cora Edna Sept. 02, 1893 Dec. 20, 1957 - -
ODOM Hubbard Howe Aug. 22, 1889 Dec. 28, 1963 Texas Cpl. Co. F 315 Engineers WWI -
ODOM Granberry 1881 1948 Masonic -
ODOM Ora Fowler 1890 1977(?) - -
PIERSON Guy Dec. 29, 1892 June 17, 1893 J. M. Pierson L.W. Pierson
PORTER Thomas W. April 08, 1888 Jan. 13, 1908 J. K. Porter E. Porter
PORTER Eller Jan. 29, 1896 Feb. 02, 1900 J.K. Porter M. A. Porter
PRATHER Charlie Lee 1912 1953 Daddy -
Quattlebaum Jounita Margarite March 03, 1919 March 03, 1919 A. T. Quattlebaum A. C. Quattlebaum
RIGBY Myrtle 1886 1903 wife of Luther P. Rigby -
RIGBY Luther P. April 25, 1881 July 05, 1959 husband of Myrtle Rigby -
RIGBY Robert Duncan Aug. 05,1840 Aug. 07, 1922 Co. A. 5 Tenn. Inf. C.S.A. Father
RIGBY Julia Ann Jan. 21, 1850 Aug. 29, 1938 Mother -
RIGBY Mattie M. Nov. 19, 1884 July 20, 1941 - -
RIGBY Charlie S. Dec. 21, 1877 July 07, 1957 - -
ROBERTS Lawrence W. May 30, 1943 May 30, 1943 W. W. Roberts -
RODEN James H. 1865 1942 - -
RODEN Nina G. 1868 1951 - -
SIRATT Mother Lula Benton 1873 1896 - -
SMITH Arthur B. Oct. 22, 1865 Sept. 06, 1885 - -

Co. L. 28th Miss. Cav. C.S.A.

Robert Adams Nov. 30, 1848 Jan. 14, 1919 Travis Stone Permelia (Lang) Stone
STONE Mrs. Francis (Fannie) Bethany Jan. 04, 1842 or 1843 approximately aged 82 yrs. 4 months and 8days Sept. 27, 1924 2nd wife of Henry A. Stone -
STONE Henry Asbury June 1842 1905 husband of Francis Stone Co. H Miss. Inf. C.S.A
STONE Walter Aug. 02, 1872 Nov. 21, 1891 Robert A. Stone Mary Congelton Stone
STRICKLIN Father Z. Meeks May 31, 1873 Oct. 22, 1959 - -
STRICKLIN Mother Annie Lee Nov. 01, 1878 Aug. 25, 1939 - -
STRICKLIN Arbutus Watson Sept. 11, 1915 Feb. 18, 1941 - -
SWINDELL Lillie Bell Jan. 11, 1893 Jan. 1938 - -
SWINDEL Jessie Ann April 26, 1887 July 22, 1888 W.H. Swindel L. A. Swindel
SWINDEL infant son March 30, 1885 April 08, 1885 W. H. Swindel L.A. Swindel
THAXTON H.W. Feb. 17, 1876 May 16,1899 - -
TUBBS Ada Oct. 05, 1864 March 23, 1885 wife of G. W. Tubbs Jr. -
TURNER R. Crady March 01, 1904 May 31, 1917 - -
TURNER Elihue 1866 1944 - -
TURNER Florence 1888 1961 - -
WATSON Jesse A. 1892 1960 Daddy -
WATSON Ella I. 1894 - footstone: banner but no grave -
WEBSTER Mary Julia (Hine) May 11 1862 Aug. 11, 1930 Wife of John Mitchell Webster Daughter of Thomas S. Hines and Sarah Ann Hudson
WEST R. S. Jr. April 16, 1911 April 28, 1963 Masonic -
WEST Virginia M. Feb. 02, 1874 March 15, 1942 - -
WEST R. S. Sr. 1866 1952 - -
WHITE Oma Dell 1931 1934 Baby -
WHITE L. M. 1892 1934 American Legion -
WHITE John 1849 1919 Our parents sleep swettly here. -
WHITE Jane 1852 1915 Our parents sleep sweetly here. -
WHITE Mother Elizabeth Aug. 10, 1900 Feb. 12, 1936 - -
WHITE David May 03, 1869 March 14, 1958 - -
WHITE Fannie E. March 24, 1876 Oct. 03, 1965 - -
WILKINSON Virgil 1892 1911 - -
WILLIAMS Eva Orange 1902 1962 - -
WILLIAMS Thomas D. 1897 1967 - -
WINN Houston March 23, 1855 Sept. 04, 1922 Masonic -
WINN Sallie J. May 18, 1864 Feb. 07, 1921 - -

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