What is Spiritualism?
Spiritualism is...
The Science, Philosophy and Religion of continuous life based upon the demonstrated fact of communication, by means of mediumship,with those who live in the Spirit World.
God's message to mortals, through Jesus the Christ, declaring that
There is No Death...there is only everlasting life and salvation.
The basic essence from which all religious thought appeared and continues to appear.
Spiritualists are...
Free thinkers.
Spiritual metaphysicians (ie: mediums, clairvoyants, etc.)
Seekers of a greater understanding of our oneness with God.
Spiritualists believe...
In One God.
That we are all created in God's image as Spirit.
In prayer and the healing power of God.
In the ministry, teachings, and person of Jesus the Christ.
That man is a spiritual being now, encased in a physical body for an earthly experience.
In life after physical death.
Death, itself, is the transition to a higher level of existence.