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In Memory, 'hermetic' French poet Stephane Mallarmé (1842-1898)

"Turning Away From The World," as the proverbial & usually quite pejoratively-applied
        saying goes
May in fact just mean, simply doing things indoors a lot!

--Passing time among objects which are familiar, for example

Such as carefully chosen furniture which one has grown ever so fond of;
Books which one takes pleasure in reading & re-reading, over & over again
Drowsily, among nostalgic photos of l960's rock-stars in ornately cherishing frames,

--With a tremendous stack of recent videotapes & audiotapes & CD's
        temporarily piled up on top of the laptop one uses nightly for Web-Surfing
        & chatting with friends from all over the world in chatrooms which one's built

Practically falling off the nightstand beside one's bedside & onto the goddamned floor!

  'Of 'Turning Away From The World,' a not entirely wistfully nostalgic poem evoking the pleasures of the private life & 'being at home'
& 'centering' & all that, is also about gaining renewed strength from forward-looking technology.
An earlier version this short poem about aging was published in Agni in l994, © l994 by Michael Benedikt.
Webversion © 2003 Michael Benedikt.  Top

A Bon Mot from Mallarmé: "Only Beauty really exists--and it has only one perfect expression: Poetry.
 Everything else which exists is a lie--except for people whom one encounters who are living by the body & in accord with love;
or in tune with that love derived from the mind called friendship."


Home Page of 'The Thesaurus & Other New Verse'
[With more detailed info. on Other Benedikt Sites than is given by links at the bottom of this page. HPage also has info re Translation Sites]

Other Poems At This Site

 Dear Ideas & Cherished Philosophies
The Thesaurus; Or, From A Childhood      Rita & Ringo
Right In The Middle Of Everything       Folonari Red Wine
Time Is A Toy      Of Panty-Lines That Show   
    Of Granny Smith's Green Apples     Of Sexual Style
      Einstein   New-in-'05  'A Professor Of Practicality'
New-in-'04  'Your Life Is Your Own Life'

O T H E R    B E N E D I K T  - R E L A T E D   S I T E S


'The Compleat Michael Benedikt: Poet Laureate of the Net'
. Article at re Background of Benedikt Websites.
(posted by 4/99)

Michael Benedikt--Pages at Academy of American Poets.
Includes a complete bio. & a poem from 4 of Benedikt's 5 poetry books
(posted by Academy 5/99)

B R I E F   G U I D E   TO   B E N E D I K T    M I N I-W E B


Early Poetry Books--The Body & Sky, home page of multi-paged site with selections from Benedikt's 1st & 2nd books of poetry

Brief Prose Poems from Night Cries, Benedikt's 4th poetry book. With  Interview--also an essay on Future of Prose Poetry

Prose Poems & Microfictions from Night Cries. With London Times Literary Supplement Book Review.

Theatre, Film & TV Poems, miscellany with poems in verse & prose. & New Microfictions. Also info on 4 Benedikt-edited Theatre Anthos

The Badminton At Great Barrington, poem-sequence about embattled love-affair. Benedikt's 5th poetry book

Poems from Boston and Cambridge. From Transitions--a collection of narrative poems in progress



About living alone & liking it, 'Of Living Alone But Not Brooding Too Much About It'
About growing up siblingless on a siblingless planet, 'Of An Only Child's World'
Poem-in-progress on a sci-fi theme,'Of Orson Welles Remarkable l938 Radio Program War Of The Worlds'
About a free-spirited Moscow theater/dance company in repressive times, 'Of The Taganka Troupe in Soviet Russia, l957'
(Above poem states at its conclusion, one of Of:'s central themes)

Thermopylae, E-Zine--'Of Debauchery'
(Also Interview on 'Literature, Technology & The Web' in  'Writers Talk About 2000' series)


With 'The Kapos,' from  cycle of 3 poems-in-progress about impact of World War II on civilians, 'The Takings'
About some of USA's too-often-overlooked l9th-Cent. female erotic pioneers, 'American Vibrations'
About uneasy relationship of private & public fireworks in our times, 'The 4th of July: NY & NJ & Laura & Me'


In Paris Review #151, Summer '99:
'Prof. Albert Einstein Allegedly Commits A Crime; & Of The Difficulty of Finding A Jury Of His Peers'

In Lips #22/23, published at turn-of-year '00/'01:
'Your Life Is Your Own Life (Variations On A Theme by James Wright)'

New  In Washington Square Review #1, published at turn-of-year '01/'02
'Of Turning Over a New Leaf In The Book Of Life'

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