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Exhibition of Excellence

  • Sardonyx
  • Inclination
  • Opiate
  • Estarius
  • Princess
  • Rosedagger
  • Dagazia
  • Medallion
  • ZenRaven
  • Visions From the Center

       "At phase transition, all the concertos turn back into words"
       - Theophilus III -


    A Schism Yawning between The Wraith Soul and Valhalla.
    She agonized within. On Her cruel passage from
    Mortality to Death Beyond.

    Tortured, Abused and Raped.
    At Death's Threshold, And still she fought on.
    Within, her hold on her mortality,
    Her spirit aloose.

    Refusing to let go of the shell which gained her
    entrance to the physical world.
    She had fought as well, her captors,
    though no longer caring of the fact that all was at naught.

    She had been swept abreft,
    As though Cut from life's Thread, by the scythes
    which daily claimed their Due of souls
    with neither Mercy nor Thought.

    Suppurating, cold flesh,
    Left behind not by lack of will,
    but the fraility of the husk which
    could not hold such fiery spirit.
    She had made her way To Where All souls were
    Judged and deemed, Worthy or Useless.

    The Valkyrie which guarded Valhalla's gate,
    And whom she made her choosing.
    She carried herself with a warriors' Stance
    and the feeling of Transcending Strength of Spirit.

    And The Valkyrie gave her a fierce smile
    as she bade her to cross. The Abyssmal schism
    . And so she did.
    And She fell into that void of
    nothing, but not one wail,
    Nor impetuous scream of defiance.
    She had accepted the judgement of
    the deity and closed her heart to
    self righteous anger.

    And as she fell, The illusion was swept away,
    With her in the midst of Valhalla's
    Perpetual War of the Warriors' souls.
    And The Valkyrie, thus has made Her Choice.

    The Nectar Matrix

    The winner would receive nothing
    Last became first
    In droves, they paraded, each named after the equinox.
    Under their grass veils lay the keys to piety
    Diversion would supplant Direction
    Rabbi emotion would be guest of the species.

    Fashions by Imperatrix of Zanvier.

    Dinner will be delayed
    Subtraction will now be served

    - Afterthought -


    Goddess Turned Mortal- She wished she could ignore what sadness was,
    And what stars can see, from so high above.....
    could forget where gods slept and why mothers wept.

    - Giorgione 1478?-1510 um Judith 1504 -

    Woe to thee who wanders too close to my cave
    Who dares to awaken me from my long sleep
    with their incessant clamorings of western civilization

    Heed the wrath of the pacifist flower
    Woven in coiled silence to a higher power



    Arriving in trance, on intuition's cue
    As both one and many, together and apart
    Linked by our most etheric thoughts
    By a common if not identical vision
    Availed and awarded through our own uniqueness
    We remember the art of celebration
    We meet by the water's edge
    In unscripted brilliance
    To revel in the majesty of the stilled moment
    To awaken to the marvels of the universe
    To submit to the magic of the star filled night

    We seek beauty, truth, wisdom and peace
    Explorers we are, the ones who dare to know more,
    to dissolve barriers and escape the material grip
    To discover the secrets of space, time and consciousness.
    We are holy.......

    We meet again, by the sea
    Fearless in our quest, serene in our knowledge of who and what we are
    We close our eyes, to awaken within another's dream......
    To share, to grant and give a piece of the magic,
    a flicker of our scintillant interiors,
    to transform by the laws of Nature.
    Nothing false, nothing forced......
    Everything connected in one glorious, complex whole
    The celebration never ends.......

    Follow me, I follow you
    Through the corridors of infinity
    Through the spectral portals of a higher dimension
    Into the guiding wisdom and power of the Higher Self
    Unto all that silence eventually finds
    Meet you here again, at night
    By the water's edge


    The broken angel of stone hangs uselessly over the fallen
    alter, but soon she will spread her chipped wings
    and raise her cyrstal face to first rays of dawn.
    Her tears have carved tracks in her frozen face,
    but graduallly the sun's rays bring warmth to her
    pale limbs. For so long she has laid there.....
    in penace to the hole in herself?
    Who holds the key to the charm that has has
    frozen her here? She knows the key still
    burns in her heart. She opens her
    tired eyes and stares in surprise at the stranger
    before her and marvels at her own beauty.
    With a shock of recognition, she realizes the
    face before is her own .....filled with
    the light of dawn and the hope brought
    from the morrow. The crystal face breaks
    and the angel is just a girl inspired again.

    Licking the dew drops My lust go whilst you
    While I wait in the glass box I am in now,
    Peering out at others like confused ants
    For I must learn at a supersonic rate if I am
    to meet my looming fate. Idle for too long....
    Perhaps they have chosen another.

    The world glows without another at my side
    Curse me. I want a pretty one to play with
    What a witch I am.
    The doors have opened.
    I was awestruck by the elements, * dazed and confused*
    I have given the power source the name 'Goddess'
    I am called " storm child "
    I continue to laugh at the twists of fate
    I do as the goodess bids and have no guilt
    I have been forseen as a Priestess
    To white lace, mirth is a gift
    Join me on my mountain

    The astral girl has flowers of evil on her mind
    She hears an echo from within the mirror behind
    " I am an angel from the garden. It pays not well to
    speak too lightly of the tramplings on my flowers "
    In a Norweigan cathedral, two whisper the secrets of
    the ages. One is dressed in her white Opiate dress,
    Heavy music can be heard, The pentacle is touched, their blessings
    are counted. They choose happiness.....

    Greetings m'Lord. Your wickedness excites me.
    Grace me with your presence, evil one.
    May I lay in your arms and sleep with you for a
    couple of centuries? Let me sentence you to immortality
    in my magic garden. Shine with me. Later we shall
    prowl the night again, to rule the etheric, to rewrite
    the definition of "more". There is much to be done.
    I raise my glass of red wine to the stars....
    -Opiate,the author

    Dagazia,  Starwalker's Dreams

    The Starwalker walks the paths
    Deep in the sky, Jet-Black and dark
    But stars glitter with dreams and wishes of those mortals below.
    A dark void of blackness,filled with
    glittering diamonds
    And those broken bits of once dreams.
    His heart breaks to see stars crumble away to dust
    Dreams and wishes fallen to bits,
    And left to float in empty space.
    But there would always be new stars created
    and some reborn.The Starwalker, the keeper of
    Dreams and wishes.The one who holds the key,
    To an Eternity of Happiness.


    I am the night, I shy away from day,
    I am the blood that trickles from your neck,
    I am the breeze that blows the trees,
    I am the love in your heart,
    I am the sun in the dark

    I a bird that does not fly,
    A child that does not cry,
    A cloud that does not rain,
    And a heart that has no pain,
    I am the tear in your eye,
    The wind in your sigh,
    And the chill in your thighs,
    I am what there always is,
    And what there will never be,
    I am darkness,
    Enter and you will feel me....


    Wind, water, circle and song
    Bring us the alter that will right every wrong
    Above and below, between and behind
    Lead us to temptation, to a world of our own kind
    - We, the unbehooven -

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