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1. God of Today!

Be it the Bible, Koran, Torah or Veda:
All claim God to be invisible & intangible,
They assert that He is love and light;
Then why we fight in the name of God?
Why we approve sense of discrimination?
Why not we love each creature then?

Do you wonder why we got lost?
Today we are many kinds of Christians--
Catholics, Protestants, Orthodox etc..,
We are Sheikh, Shiite and many more
In the name of Islamic faith,
We have as many faiths as people,
As the followers of Hinduism.

It's time we open our eyes
And follow the scriptures
With love, faith and honesty
That will no longer divide this human race
Into so many fighting faiths:
Ponder over your faith, O man!
Kill not a man that God Himself created.

2. The Wonders of Mind!

I often wonder why I am in this world,
Why things happen against my will,
Why I either rejoice or sadden,
Why my mind wails and wavers,
Why my senses graze abruptly,
Why my thoughts keep changing,
And many more such questions.
Some say the happenings at present
Are linked to my past actions and intentions,
Others say this life is the fruit of my karmas,
Some claim they are the outcomes
Of my surroundings, circumstances and culture,
But I feel and find them to be
The fluctuations of my own impressions
Recollected in my mind from time to time;
These very impressions govern me--
My mind, my senses and my body,
Which I call them the wonders of mind.

Experience, perversion, delusion,
Sleep and sense of recollection:-
These fluctuating five-fold vibrations
Are said to be the mystery of the mind;
Experience is based on cognition,
Inference, revelation or attestation;
Perversion based on wrong knowledge:
It is nothing but a false concept,
Contrary to what it may have been;
Delusion is the baseless belief
Conjured up in the mind with no substance;
Sleep is but a state of absence of objects,
Devoid of a sense of substance, yet fancy soars;
Recollection is the power of storing facts
Of being able to call them back at will
And not letting the drawn pictures escape.
I call them five abstract channels
That expand from mind to the world
Running extroverted, in spiritual term;
Each channel flows with strong current
Functioning as one of the five-fold activities.

You need to inhibit (transfer) these fluctuations--
By recycling them into introverted waves
Which will uplift you to the very height
Of spiritual attainment, the supreme flight;
When these extraverted fluctuations
Have been transformed and turned introverted,
They'd be recycled in the mill of concentration
Which will reverse the coils of your mind;
While this recycling process is going on,
You will rejoice in wondrous revelations:
And all heavens will be open up to you.
You will then cross all the paths
Attaining the state of enlightenment--
This is the state when you see
Nothing but love, peace, harmony and happiness
In man, birds, beasts and reptiles
On the land, on the sea and in the sky,
and you visualize man in God's image;
Now He is you and you become He
As you've dissolved your Self in Him;
You will have thus made your life worth living.

3. The Anatomy of Stress

Assumptions, presumptions, doubts,
Dilemmas and false beliefs can trigger us to stress;
People in unstable living and working conditions
Can easily fall prey to noose stress.

Stress is an epidemic
That plagues us all in a way;
Stress alarms us, alerts us,
And then alters our bodies and brains;
It grips us in its clinging clutches
Changing us .... aging our cells and bodies.
When this malevolent stress takes over,
It assaults and maligns us from within
Penetrating to the core of our being.

Once stress becomes fertile, it gives birth to anger
In turn anger, when it has inhabited us,
Brings forth dreadful, deathlike life.
Happy is the man that keeps on enduring stress,
Because on becoming stress-proof
He will live longer leading the life of love and joy.

4. Mind, Senses and Body

If the human body is compared with a chariot,
The mind is the reins and the horses are the senses
Reason is the charioteer, and his self the lord
And the roads they follow are the objects of senses,
Being conveyed upon them is the lord of the chariot.

When the chariot is drawn by wild horses
That are not being restrained by the reins,
The horses will gallop on the rough terrains
Where the chariot can overturn any moment.

Clever is he who keeps his horses under control--
He is a good driver with well-trained steeds;
But a careless charioteer can't control his horses
As he steers poorly and his team runs wild
And his chariot suddenly swerves into the ditch.

Steady and balanced is the state of such a mind
That uses the saddle of reason and the stirrups of restraint,
And fastens the reins to the bridle-bit of intellect;
The horses of his senses will ride away at a gallop
And the mind and its faculties will be in harness
Steering the chariot well to his destination.

5. Dominion!

Dominance through intellectual authority
Has been known for millenniums
But very few of us can think of religious extortion;
It is amazing to see in the name of God
How one can drive you to the jaw of death
Where you would either commit suicide
Or would be slowly killed with the sword
Of religious torture and torments.

To me it's a code of conduct and the ethics
That constitutes true religion and spirituality
And not merely praying or chanting
With no change in your real life.

The religion that teaches you exploitation
And practices dominion, rage, hatred and prejudice
In the form of superior and inferior
Is like the intoxication of opium
That would paralyze your memory,
Diminish all your hopes and aspirations
And enslave you to those who use
Religion as their powerful weapon to rule over humans.

6. Rescue a Suicider

What should you do
When you are put to restrictions,
Dominion and subjection?
Try to rid yourself of the bond
That has become an enforced bondage–
Shed the bondage and relish your freedom.

What should you do
When you have lost all hopes
And left no breath of aspiration?
Let nothing cross your mind
That feeds on desperation and dejection.

Close your eyes for a moment and think:
"What brought you to the shore of despondency?"
Was it a commitment, a bond,
A faith, a tie or a limping relation?
Free yourself from that very nature
And you shall reverse your thoughts and feelings
To the positive growth and bloom of joy.

From the grip of strain and tension
Would you instantly be released for ever.

7. Beware of a Disguised Devil

I fought bravely against liars
But they ganged against me to rip me through;
They beguiled me to embrace their magic.

When the secret was revealed,
I was held agape; but moved ahead
To see how their ‘I' turned into ‘We'
And yet they preached to make you
Blinded, bewildered and brainwashed
So that you would have no eye
To watch their addicts and urges
That they earned in the name of ritual outfits.

"Subdue your ego; subject yourself to self-denial!"
Thus they would command you in the name of Eternity
So that even if you suffered or ended your life,
They would show and let others see
You couldn't fit and meet the standards
Of their spiritual measurements.

They would have thus attained their will
To get you out; to lead the simplest life
Of a disguised devil in the uniform of a King.

8. Examine Your Faith!

If I have to leave you sire, for not being loyal to you
I know you'll blame me for my lack of faith in you
And for my not having worshiped you as the Lord!

Since I lived with you and served you day and night
Only I knew how you set your eyes on the bucks,
And yet acted cleverly a saint in the society
Having tricked those your innocent followers
Who were blindfolded with your sizzling sermons.

If you still have to protect your disguised face
Be honest and yell to the world (though I know you won't)
For my saying truth to you at your face
For my seeing you steal; for hearing you lie
for my protesting against your oppression
That too when people thought you were god
When they worshiped you with blind faith and devotion
And when they bowed to you and gave you relaxing massage.
You quickly reacted with fury and revenge (against me)
Telling your most loyal ones to paint me black.

Aren't your hands stained with some unseen blood
That killed, though not them, their happy worldly life?

9. Communist Comrades

No wonder how communists survived!
They ruled with generosity to dole out
The food items that they rationally rationed;
You couldn't buy bread, sugar oil and flour
From anywhere but through government agencies.

Comrades were kind enough to keep firm grip
On the media and means of communication
So that you couldn't share your oppression
With other comrades even in your family
Because they created required competition
To spy on even your own spouse and kids
And you were, then, rewarded with bread
That kept you in bare health and alive.

A few elite comrades ruled the nation
Behind their benevolent and beloved leader
Who put his gun over their heads
So that they would remain in enforced peace.
Can you imagine how long you could control
The livelihood and freedom of people?
Look into the past just across the communist nations,
You shall find the answer with mass graves
And with untold tales of torture and terror.

10. Treats and Trials

The time that I saw the birds flee,
Trees standing naked
Stretching their bare arms
With frozen wings of desire;
Mountains looking like heaps of rocks
Stood straight with their fins clipped;
The River with its frozen banks
Covered with icy wobbles
That drowned the river deep down
Flowing underneath its frozen sheathe;
Nights lingered with thundering clouds,
That made me sick with dreams and desires,
Though I kept on enduring
All these Nature's treats and trials.
Disguised in the Winter's gown,
It stimulated my mind
Hardened my strength and endurance
And remedied all my incompetencies.

11. Power As World

"The world is nothing but an illusion
And life is a tale told by an Idiot,"
So have I grasped from our ancestors.

The world may be false
Or it may have beginning and end
For those who couldn't accept
The theory of evolution
That challenged our religious beliefs.

Some verily but unwaveringly assert:
"Compare this world to the image
Of a rope appearing as a snake
That someone conceived in darkness."

Just like the web ensues from a spider,
Herbs and roots from the earth,
And hair from the body;
The world was conjured up eventually
From the very semen that lay in the cosmos
Like a tree lay hidden in a small seed.

All Rights Reserved By Chen Nagar


Some of his Poems

  • The Plight of Peace
  • Apathy and Vanity is Insanity
  • Face of a Pre-Human Man
  • Mind, Senses and Body
  • From Creation to Cloning
  • The World of Words
  • Shore of Success
  • Cyber War
  • No Smoking
  • Cry of Ardent Desire
  • The Wonders of Mind
  • God of Today
