Welcome to

Welcome one and all to the Dragon's Den!

We've got a new look!

Notice anything different around here? I was getting tired of the same ole place, so I spruced it up a bit and added a few features, hope you like it! I've also decided to get a little more organized. Those of your who've been here before would probably agree that it was a little cluttered. :)

Here you can apply to be the proud owner of you own pet dragon!

The only cost is that you put a link to my page on your own, for this you can have a dragon like this one; (click on the dragon to see thumbnails of what some other dragons I've drawn look like if you don't like this one. The Dragon's Den is very diverse.)

If you'd like a dragon, Simply E-mail me with what type of dragon you would like! Tell me what color, what shape what size, how old, even ask for a certain type of personality if you wish. Feel free to be as specific or inspecific as you like, and in due time, a dragon will be yours!

If you like, you can even ask for strange dragons made entirely of water, or fire, like the one below;

Once your dragon arrives, E-mail me, and I'll put a link to your homepage here in the Dragon's Den!

Note!All those who have adopted dragons but did not get them yet, please click here for info!!!!!~Dragonsong12

Allright, now, I need to interrupt this page for one second. Let me introduce you to my new helper. His name is Fazelspitz (don't ask me, I don't even know where the name came from, I just call him Faz). He's small, only about the size of a chicken, but he's pretty strong in his own right, and he has agreed to take over a few jobs for me here. His first job is to lead you around the dragon's Den, so I don't have to and am free to do other things. His lair is now up and running! Down below, he will lead you there if you'd care to follow.

Click on Faz, and he'll take you where you want to go

If you know what kind of dragon you want, follow Faz to the adoption forms.

If you would like to adopt a baby dragon that will grow up, go to the roost this way.

Attention all Fantasy Writers! The caverns have now been re-opened. They have been transformed into a place where a continuous story will be written. If you would like to help write this story, go this way for all the information.

If you would like to see more of my fantasy art, please visit my elfwood page.also my writing page at Elfwood

Want to win the Dragon's Den award? All rules and info are in Faz's den here!

Visit our awards page!

The Webrings that this site is a member of.

If the pics on this page didn't show up, you can visit the pages of people who have adopted a dragon below...


Mqiq AKA Law A page dedicated to the role-playing character that he portrays in chatrooms.
Valdrez A good freind of mine and a great patron of the Hatchery.
Ember's adopted pets A page of a variety of different adopted pets, like gryphons and such. Go there to find more adoptions!
Queen R'atiaThe home of Queen R'atia.
Vaporeon WolfA great page on a variety of different subjects. Adopt many creatures at this page!
The guardian has a terrific page! If you can wait for it to load up, it's worth it! *eg*
GabumonWolf keeps many different cyberpets at this site, and links to where you can find more!
Blacktiger3 Has a great page dedicated to all sorts of kewl things! (most notably...dragons!!!yay!)
Alana Starbreeze takes you on an incredible journey through a strange world here...
Planet Gryffon a great place for Gryff fans and others!!!! :)
Kimmy's Kingdom A mystical page, you can read your fortune here!
Syko This page is a little...well...different.

If the list of pages doesn't look very impressive, keep in mind that very few of our customers acctually send us back a web page address so we can give them a link here. Please, if you adopt a dragon, include your homepage URL that the dragon will be located on. Thank you.

All pics on this page were created out of the warped mind and creative hand of Dragonsong12

Special thanks to...

Eric and Alain, for listening to me and helping me out when I came up with the crazy idea for a dragon adoption center, and for being the first (and for months only) people to adopt.

My sister, her worshipfulness, for being very encouraging about my artwork all along, even though she NEVER adopted from me.

Vaporeon Wolf and Ember, who I think combined to bring in the amazing flow of people that I now have comming through the Dragon's Den. (you put this place on the map!)

And to all those who every have and ever will adopt from me. You give a poor dragon a good home, drive me crazy with extra work (a good thing, I get bored easy!), give me great ideas, and help advance my talent.

I salute you all!

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(oh, and by the way, if anyone could help me with a link-exchange banner, I'd appreciate it, I haven't got the programs needed)
(thanx!! *g*)

My Links

My links page
My poetry page
All about me!

Email: dragonsong12@hotmail.com