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Saint Francis of Assisi is one of the greatest Christian saints of all time. Yet in all my life, most of the people I've encountered have had such a limited view of him, ranging from a guy who talks to animals to the nature lover. Francis is that and much more. He is, in the opinion of the Webring Manager, the one person in history who truly tried to live the Gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in total obedience and conformity. Francis has been called "Mirror of Perfection", "the Last Christian", "the Seraphic Father". Churches and religious communities all around the world are named after him, and many more after other saints who have followed in his example. Saint Anthony of Padua, Saint Bonaventure and Saint Clare of Assisi are but a few of those who have followed Francis in his quest to follow the Lord. Yet, so much of the world knows so little about him. I thought it appropriate to use the internet to propogate the ideals and the challenge set forth by Francis of Assisi not only to Christians, but to all men.

If you, dear friend, have a website that contains information, testimony or personal anecdotes pertaining to the witnessing to Jesus Christ by Saint Francis of Assisi, any of the Franciscan religious orders, any Franciscan Saint on your site, then please consider joining the Saint Francis of Assisi Webring.

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I sincerely hope that my minute effort to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ as followed by Saint Francis of Assisi can do a bit to promote peace in the world.
Pax et Bonum.
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Page created April 8, 1998. Updated June 13, 1998, the Feast of St. Anthony of Padua.


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