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Hi! My name is Darlene. I am a 40 yr.old single mom of two fantastic kids, David-17 & Jennifer-16. They are my whole life. They can make me smile, laugh and scream all within minutes. I moved out to the country recently..phew, what a cultural shock after living in the city all my life. But I love it out here. Now instead of people for neighbors, I have deer, raccoons, and all other kinds of critters. This was our dog,Princess,unfortunately we had to put her to sleep because of medical problems. She was 16 1/2 yrs old. I have been a roomie in the Bedroom for 1 1\2yrs now and have made many friends{and a fewenemies.LOL}. They have been there through mylaughter and my tears. I have met some of the roomies in *real* life and have very special memories I will always treasure*wink*. If you don't see me in the bedroom on Prodigy then you can find me on AOL kickin butt in a game called Out of Order, also known as OOO {or XXX when I'm playin *giggle*.} One of my favorite places to visit is Niagara Falls. I love the beauty and serenity of the Falls. I will be working on my page as I learn more. Love to all my chat friends and especially to David and Jennifer.

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A poem I wrote for the man I love
In Loving Memory of my Mom
In Loving Memory Of Jerry

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