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Christian Software Engineering

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About Me

I am now a senior developer for a company in Pittsford, NY: Real Time Enterprises. I have been there since April of 2001. It is usually a challenge because of the unusual projects they do. For instance medical 2D and 3D imaging integrated into intelligent systems for performing surgery. Web design is common there. I had to redesign a Windows NT 3.51 kernel-mode parallel port driver to operate nicely as a class driver. And then to work in Windows 2000's Plug and Play environment. Nope, I didn't start from scratch as a Plug&Play WDM driver. I probably should have... might have taken less time :-O . It worked only after an obscure registry-hack was added to the ParPort Plug&Play device subkey.

We are doing blood analysers, and various medical software projects. And printer driver for Xerox printers. DirectDraw and DirectDraw3D Retained-mode are some of the things I have learned. Anyway, see the rest of the site. Explore. Look around. Don't forget my own web box.

I was previously a Consultant for Ciber Corporation (NASDAQ:cbr) situated in beautiful Perinton, NY -- just southeast of Rochester. I started there in the Fall of 1999. I am skilled in the design of embedded systems using the lastest and not so lastest embedded processor technology. My skills include 'firmware' design in languages such as C++, C, Assembler, Forth, Basic, PL/M... -- shall I go on? ;-) I develop solutions in Visual C/C++, VisualBasic, VBScript, Javascript, Java, and Java2. I write HTML, ASP and XML; and I make web pages (like this one). I live in gorgeous Penfield, NY -- a village just east of Rochester.

I spend my day working, praying, reading my Bible, enjoying the company of my wife Linda, and thinking happy thoughts. I like to Praise and Worship the Lord, sing songs, read books, watch TBN. I have had some college and possess a G.E.D. I will go back to college someday when I can find the time; some people believe that having gotten a sheepskin (degree) makes one more capable than another -- even if he has worked in the field for 15 or so years doing the same job!! What's up with that? :) I have been in design and engineering for 25+ years, now.

This is W. Terry Lincoln (me) The picture is a bad picture of me from my license. I will use a better one soon.
This is a picture of Me and my wife Linda This picture of me and Linda was taken Jan 7, 2001 with my Fuji Finepix 2400Zoom
Pictures from our European Sampler Vacation Picture


What's New

2001 January
New photo of my wife and I
2000 July
What Manner of Man
2000 April
I have added text and graphics to this sight. See the section 'About Me' above. I will be adding pages as the time makes itself available.

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