Welcome to Viper's Wing Commander Page! I am Col. Jason "Viper" Carlberg, veteran of the Kilrathi War, Border Worlds conflict, and the "bug" conflict. I've been flying with the Terran Confederation Space Navy since the first Wing Commander game came out way back in 1990. It was the first computer game that I really took a liking to and have stuck with the series ever since. Not only do I have 1 through 4, Prophecy and Secret Ops, but I also have Academy, Armada, and both Privateers. You might say that i'm a Wing Commander freak, and you'd be right. That's why I've decided to put up this Web page in honor of the game that changed my life. This page doesn't have much, but it is the founding page of the Wing Commander ring. If you have your own page, you can join below. I encourage everyone to check out some of the sites on my ring, most are better than this one! I update and monitor the ring daily, unlike this page which may remain unchanged for months at a time! Anyway, check out the ring. It is ranked as the largest Wing Commander ring in the entire world.
- The Dragon was once my favorite ship, but now that I have Prophecy, i think that it's gotta be the Vampire. The Wasp is very effective as well. One fighter you must try is the Alien 'Devil Ray' ship. See my codes section at the bottom! That fighter is strong, fast, and packs quite a wallop. The only reason that this picture is still here is because I've been too busy playing the game to ever get any pictures from it and bring them here! Just keep watching this page, and eventually i'll have more pictures. Only problem I have with the ships are that there isn't any Cloaking Devices, Fission Cannons or Flashpacks left from IV! Those weapons really kicked ass!
- The Confed fleet seems a bit outdated now that they have ships like the TCS Midway, a self-contained battle fleet. I found it odd that when they add the huge plasma cannon to the Midway that it can only be fired once, considering Confed's experience with huge main guns. Remember the Concordia's Phase-Transit Cannon? The Behemoth?
The Price Of Freedom
In your shortcut to WC4, add -Chicken to the command line, then you can use Ctrl-W to destroy any targetted ship. It should look like Target: C:\WC4\WC4W.EXE -Chicken.
In the first mission login menu, type ANIMAL to play a game.
In the first mission login menu, type CHICKEN to see wierd credits.
alswantsmoreships (type at simulator menu)
goodtarget (type in spaceflight)
dynomite (type in spaceflight)
moretunes (type in spaceflight)
Keep watching this page for further installments and updates! I'll have more pictures and stats soon!
Visit Viper's Home Page to learn more about me, or you can e-mail me at JasonCarlberg@hotmail.com If you have any questions, comments, suggestions or just want to talk about the game, feel free to send some mail! If you have your own WC site that you want to generate some more traffic for, you can join my webring below...
Pilots since 2/26/98
Be Sure To Check Out This site!